Saturday, November 14, 2009

Snatch Vo2; 20 kg sets for the first time.

One more week of training in the garage gym without Tracy as Girya gets redone but I knew I had to actually DO a max vo2 workout or watch my decent level of conditioning with the eights slide down a slippery slope. Now Nick has been used to Saturdays being our heavy snatch day and he doesnt ever DO max vo2 work but too bad so sad; today we were going to push it a bit. At least for him
My right elbow flexors are still a bit sore from getting tweaked on the 36 kg press so I didnt want to do too much volume so I thought doing perhaps I would do some sets with the 20 kg and that would end Nicks torture a bit earlier than if I used the 16kg the whole time. It worked out really well and I now know I will be including 20 kg mvo2 work in the future. My training partner told me she had thought the same thing; that it was time I started working with the 20kg occasionally too. Great minds think alike :))

Snatch vo2 15:15
12kgx5/5x2 ( it was COLD today)
16 kg x5/5x2

20kg x 6 x20 sets/ 120 reps 5280 lbs
16 kg x8 x20 sets/ 160 reps 5760 lbs
300 reps
11,040 lbs total

This went very well. As I thought might be the case, going to the 16 kg,even for 8's after working with the 20 would make it fly up and it did. Takes me forever to warmup and today the garage was particularly cold as well. If I wasnt concerned aobut pushing my arm too much I would have done another ten sets easy. very happy.
Both Nick and I will be training Max Vo2 at Tracy's class at Girya now on Saturday mornings, this will be great. Nick will get his ass kicked but that's perfect, actually,lol.

Two handed clubbell swipes
6 sets of 10 each side.

waiting patiently for my new 20 lb clubbells to arrive and didnt bring the 15's home from girya so it was two handed reps. not a bad variation at all.



Diana said...

Your numbers for the snatches are incredible. I did 5/5 with the 16kg for 12 sets yesterday and I was completely SHOT for the rest of the day! That did get my number up to 120 total snatches-bring on the RKC! It's so great to have a goal to kick your a$$ to reach! Then again, having a kettlebell in my hand at any point in time is just fun!

Mark Reifkind said...

thanks Diana

it wasnt too bad, all things considered. I do need to get my conditioning back to where I can do 50 plus sets of 8 with the 16 kg again pretty soon. then onto sets of 7 with the 20kg.
you'll do fine at the RKC, just keep your kb focus!

Tracy Reifkind said...

Using the 20kg for Max is no joke! I wish I was there....but next week! I can't wait.

With your expertise, and the energy you guys will bring I should raise the price of my Max class, lol!

Mark Reifkind said...

thanks Honey,

I just wish I had done 7's instead of 6's but it will come.When you start using 20 kg for max training I will be seriously pissed :))
AND I will have to man up and use the 24kg. ouch.

Mark Reifkind said...

oh yeah, you should charge more, you are worth it!

guy said...


Great Numbers Sir, those 7's will come along before ya know it. I jumped up from 16kg to 24kg when i started doing the Lat Protocol, and I feel the difference doing 31 reps w/ the 24kg, alot more demanding. I don't have a 20kg, & with the holidays around the corner, I'm just going to have to gut it out.
It will be awhile before i get 15 consecutive sets. But, It's all about the journey, & that's ok w/ me. Have a good week Boss.

Mark Reifkind said...


I can't imagine using the 24 kg yet. the 20 was heavier enough. and I have no doubt that 7's will pop up very soon.

Franz Snideman said...

Nice job Rif on the 20kg!!! Must have felt good.

you guys re-doing Girya? What exactly are you doing? New paint, flooring?

Mark Reifkind said...


thanks, and yes we are re doing Girya. we took out a lot of extraneous stuff, rematted the whole place, painted and are re setting for much more serious class with Tracy and Jordan and, of course, HKC's!
We want to make Girya HKC Central for Northern California.

175 x 1 x 10 chin press, 20 kg swings 4x5/5 24 kg swings 4 x 5/5 band pushdowns 3 x 15

 These went perfectly.Good thing too as I'm having trigger thumb surgery and won't be pressing bars for two weeks but it has to get ...