Saturday, October 18, 2008

SSST style snatch training and handstands.

I was very very very happy that I didnt break my elbow on thursday but I hadn't yet snatch or swung a kettlebell with it so I was bit aprehensive going into the warmup. I needed have been as everything was perfect.Thank God.
Wanted to run with the conditioning effect I am getting from Mvo2 so I bumped up the reps to 40 with the 20 kg.Mornings used to be my favorite time to workout but now I only train early one day a week and it seems odd.4:30 pm yoga is more the case now than 8 am. Oh well. snatches warm you up fast.

16kg x5/5/5/5x2

20kg x 10/10/10/10 x 5 sets
x10/10x 5 sets
300 reps
13,200 lbs

not bad at all. really focused on pacing today. Breathe out at the same point, hold the lockout, then breathe in at the same point. Really get a rythym with a paused lockout at the top.It's so different than mvo2. I'm so used to going so fast and with this training I really have to slow things down.especially as I move into the higher rep sets. 50s are next. ugg.


4 sets of 10-15 sec with Nick.The holds on these were good but my torso felt rotated a but with tight right lat,teres and intercostals. Three hours of yoga tomorrow should open that up :))
Here some video of the HS from a two angles. I really fell into the position so much more than last week, and really got the weight on my fingers and the heel of the hand working( which is the key to really balancing a handstand).Still need more overhead stretching.

another angle

More focus on overhead stretching and another day of these on my own, using the wall will brings things up more quickly.I can really see how I can get this skill back.

Bottoms up clean
20 kg x 5/5
24 kg x5/5
28 kg x 5/5
these felt easy this week. solid.

there ya go, datsit

210 chin press Pr, rolling db extensions, laterals, rear delts rev bar curl

 This went well but those small jumps are interminable! Completely necessary but SO hard to say calm while doing; I feel like I'm wastin...