Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Snatch Vo2 Pr 65 sets of 8

As I like to say, just get started training, you never know when gravity is going to be light. Or the gods are going to be kind. Today both things happened and I hit a very strong max vo2 pr of 65 sets of 8 with as little effort as I have experienced yet. If I had had my wits about me I would have just kept going , at least to 70, but I was seriously concerned about being able to hit even 55 sets today after how tough last week was.
Last nights Bikrams class kicked my ass solidly again and I got little to eat after the class so I was bit concerned about energy but things started well today and I was so happy Tracy scheduled her training at the same time as mine. I am always stronger when my love is around. Tracy kicked some serious butt as she did FIVE sets of SEVEN minutes each. We have a new strategy for her and it involves some LONG sets. Check out her blog for details
No warmup except for 4 sessions of Z today with clients and I hit 8's with 1.5 sec to spare right from the first set.
My stroked seemed to change a bit today, getting much shorter and I was more upright than I have been of late. This also helped my speed as I was just taking the bell through a shorter arc. With my long ass arms cutting the arc even a little makes things a lot easier. I was totally focused on doing a total body movement , trying to 'twitch the weight up' as Aaron Friday accused me of. One total body twitch and the bell is overhead.
This felt like a very different snatch position and movement for me. Way smaller and tighter groove. I just wonder how well it will transfer to the 24kg?I think I will need more hip flexion to generate more power. We'll see.
Oh, and the sweat bands are for stopping the flood of sweat I produce onto the kettlebells, which is a huge impediment to pr training,lol.sometimes it's impossible to keep two bells dry even with three towels.
Plus, taking the energy to try to dry off the bells sucks as well.The bands looks silly but they work.

Snatch Vo2
16 kg x 65 sets of 8 reps
520 reps
18,720 lbs!

I thought I would only go for 61 or 62 sets but it was not that bad at the end. Ending HR was prety low, in the mid 170's.Amazing.A long way to go to catch Mrs Rif's 80 sets of 8 but now I can see it will be done. Here's the last 3 sets. I make a lot of noise when I'm in pain.Not a great angle but it was a last minute decision.

Rack Walks 16 kg
1200 feet switch hands every 200 feet

THese were even better. Nice to be able to have uninterrupted training and recovery time. It's the only way I can make any progress training. I needs a rythym :)) and stabilty.

One arm CB Casts
15 lb cb x

these were good. I lost the last rep of the first left arm set( was going for 3) as it was more fatigued than expected. so I had to stay symmetrical. elbow fine.

ok, more yoga tomorrow.



Franz Snideman said...

Frickin nice job Rif! Fast tempo looks good. You could see the INTENSITY in your eyes. You were pumped...I could tell!


Mark Reifkind said...

thanks franz,

I was pumped at the pr and how strong I felt for a change.

Aaron Friday said...

I think the "twitch" will transfer to the 24kg easily. The snatches won't be as fast, of course, LOL!

When I trained with the 32kg, I thought "soft muscles," which resulted in a shorter arc for me and easier reps.

Great PR!

Mark Reifkind said...

thanks aaron

I can snatch the 20 as fast the 16 and am working on the 24 speed. it's close just not for as many sets.

Kenneth Jay said...

Awesome RIF! You are a true VIKING by heart!


Mark Reifkind said...


thank you Sir, that is a great compliment coming from a real Viking!

Anonymous said...


175 x 1 x 10 chin press, 20 kg swings 4x5/5 24 kg swings 4 x 5/5 band pushdowns 3 x 15

 These went perfectly.Good thing too as I'm having trigger thumb surgery and won't be pressing bars for two weeks but it has to get ...