
If its Sunday it must be back to back classes and that was on the menu today.This was the strongest day yet despite having one of the toughest instructors in the studio teach the class. She was cueing non stop and almost sounds like the auctioneer dude we got a few weeks ago. I much prefer this type of instruction, where you can get a rythym and a groove to the loosey goosey teachers who mess up the dialogue with WAY too much personal info or new age touchy feely crap and totally blow the rythym and hence any momentum you could get.
I realized that I need to PRE hydrate before going into class to help delay the excess water intake impulse both on Sundays and on weekdays 4:30 class( especially then) . It worked like a charm today and I got through the first class on almost just one liter.
I was very strong in all the postures and that always helps,especially when the first 90 minutes is just the warmup. As I've written about before I am very slow to warmup across the board and yoga is no exception.The second class I really hit my stride and my postures were even stronger than the first class. AND my concentration and mental focus was excellent as well.
I really dig the " out of time" aspect of this and it reminds me so much of gymnastics training in this regard. I used to spend 4-5 hours in the gym everyday and it was always a surprise when workout was over! there was SO much to concentrate on, work on and try to improve that it never seemed like there was enough time, not too much.
Same here.
Each posture is it's own universe with myriad of things to focus and concentrate on no matter how well you can do them.And I can't do them that well so there are tons of things to concentrate on.Keeping concentration up is key, as is breathing and both were spot on today.
Needed to drink a bit more between class to keep pre hydrating but I didnt eat, nor did I feel the need to eat anything between. I was in a zone and it was great.
Tracy of course kicked ass and is going to do another double tomorrow before her kb workout. Her weight has dropped down into just about to her perfect number and she is feeling lighter and stronger at every class. She is taking her practice to a whole ' nother level really working every aspect of every pose and it's kicking her butt! In a good way. Her practice has gone from active rest to a serious workout and she's seeing the benefits every day.
Yoga reminds me so much of gymnastics training and my 4 months anniversary of starting this is just a few days away. Can't wait til I have a year under my belt.
My goal of getting my pre- injury gymnastics body back looks to be a reality.
datsit. big swings tomorrow.