As usual, one never knows when a great workout is going to hit you.I told Tracy as I walked out to the gym today " I feel weak", and I did. Just flat.And I knew I had to fight with the 32 kg today because I havent done it in weeks and I know that's just what I needed to up my strength, and therefore my mass , a bit.But I thought it was going to be hell; getting back the momentum with the heavier bells and struggling to do even low rep sets.
I decided before I picked up the 16 kg for warmups that I needed to refocus and dust off my powerlifters mind set; the one I haven't used for more than three years but one I lived in 24/7 for more than fifteen.
I've been too afraid to use it the last three years as I was, as Gray Cook would say an "overpowered athlete". One whose stabilizers were way behind their ability to create force. I could, and have, easily rip myself apart. Ah, no more of that, thank you. Been there, done that, got the T shirt.So I totally backed off the idea of strength and focused on mobility stability and endurance, my weakest links.
Good idea and it's worked but today I am in a different hole. I need to gain back just a bit more bodyweight and mass so its back to a more 'strengthbased' mindset; at least for a bit. My stabilizers and overall symmetry can handle it. At least I hope so,lol.
Good idea and it's worked but today I am in a different hole. I need to gain back just a bit more bodyweight and mass so its back to a more 'strengthbased' mindset; at least for a bit. My stabilizers and overall symmetry can handle it. At least I hope so,lol.
I still want to obtain my ssst goals but first things first. Low reps, heavier weight and progressively higher sets.
Oh yeah, and more food throughout the day. Back to almonds and protein drinks for breakfast and lunch. Back to Warrior later.
So when I went to grip the bell today I cinched up on that bad boy and linked up like I was getting ready for a big deadlift.Then I loaded the lats and hips and thought about all the super crazy heavy good mornings and deadlifts I have done and how puny 72 pounds was and it should not even be a thought.
And it worked.Just like the old days.Nice.
One arm swings
16 kg x5/5x2
32 kg x
9/9 x 6 rounds
252 reps
18,144 lbs
these went very, very well.Pace was decent although I didnt rush at all. taking a very solid grip made a world of difference instead of trying to use a high in the palm hook grip. that just doesnt work for me with heavier weights.ALways focused mightily on compensatory acceleration and making each rep as fast and explosive as possible.
One CB Arm cast
15 lbs x8/8 x 2 sets
25 lbs x5/5 x 2 sets
WOW that 25 lb CB for sets of 5 in the single arm cast is NO JOKE!!! It took some serious control and I knew it was no joke as soon as I cleaned it. Which was no joke.It got my attention immediately. It was good to push a little extra heavy for a change.
Barbarian Casts
25lb x 8 reps x 6 sets/
this is great work for the lats, triceps,pecs and upper back. as well as shoulder mobility.Should help in the mass department as well.
datsit.time to eat.
Niiiice. :)
That's pretty tough for a broke dick (maybe half broke now) like you, Rif. Great job.
Are you thinking about the fact that higher LBM = better survivability wrt illness? Or you just think some additional muscle will make things easier now.
EASY there big fella,lol. thats one thing that ain't broke.
as far as putting back a few more pounds of lbm it's more for aestheitcs than anything. Just dont feel good too skinny.
the goal is still " aback of iron and legs that dont quit" but I dont need to be at 150 to have that.
thanks nikki,
I can relate Rif. I am the overpowered athlete as well. Weak stabilizers, neutralizers and Core. I can snatch the beast and bulldog for reps, yet I cannot press even press the bulldog!
I have much to learn....much to work on....
i really dont think every lift is for everybody.I was always good at pressing, it just came naturally.but I dont think there should be only one benchmark.there's a lift for everyone.and as for being overpowered it has it's pluses and minuses, you just have to be careful no matter how good the corrective protocol is.
Good point Rif!
It seems like Pressing is not a natural movement for me....although I do like it, even at the lighter poundages.
However,I do feel like I should be able to at least press the 40kg once. Just haven't focused on it enough I guess.
I am doing C & P ladders with the 28kg and will hopefully work my way up to the 32kg and then maybe I will be able to do something with that damn BULLDOG!
it all depends on what you want to train for, especially if a movement is not a natural one for you.
I would do a solid press routine once or perhaps twice a week and let it progress slowly in terms of intensity and volume.
Thanks Rif!
Currently I am following the ETK pressing protocol with a easy, medium and heavy day. So far so good!
Also, working my grip with the grippers (T for Trainer) has been helping alot. Brett and Gray emphasizing the importance of grip and turning on the shoulder stabilizers really resonated with me. My left grip has always been so weak. Not any more :)
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