Monday, August 04, 2008

Master Instructor

It was one long, hot hard weekend at the first ever UCLA RKC certification but as usual how the weekend ended was far different than how it began. Team Rif came together and transformed itself from the ragtag group of kettlebell neophytes to a smooth strong group of RKCs in short order! It ALWAYS amazes, impresses and suprises me just how much a person can transform in such a short time,ESPECIALLY after spending two exhausting days doing utnold hours of swings, snatches presses, getups and squats! And each minute,their form, their attitude and their heart gets better and better and better.
We did not have internet access due to being in the dorms at the University( another story,later) so we couldnt post til now and it O dark 30 and I have to get to work , so a full report has to come later.
BUT, I am very pleased and honored to announce that at the end of the weekend both Kenneth Jay and I were promoted to the rank of Master RKC Instructor .I had no idea this was coming and I couldn't be happier with this incredible honor.I will do my best to live up to the expectations and responsiblities that the rank requires.

More later, Tracy has tons of photos we need to download and organize so there will be lots to see. Who needs sleep?


kamal singh said...

Congratulations, Rif. Great going.
Master Instructor, sounds good.


Taikei Matsushita said...

I thought it was just a matter of time. It was on your path way already.

Do you have to re-write the title scripted on your upper arm?

Unknown said...

Congratulations, Yoda! It doesn't surprise me. You are a Master.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Mark...There is no one more deserving.

Sean Schniederjan RKC said...

Congratulations Mark, the RKC just got stronger! btw, I heard you will be presiding over the October cert?


Bob Garon II, Synergy Kettlebell Training said...

That's awesome news Rif! Congrats

Jordan Vezina said...

Congratulations again Rif!
My eyelids hurt. I think my fingernails actually hurt. Is that possible? :)

The Endos & Morenos said...

Congratulations Rif!

It is well deserved by both of you.
You both have contributed substantially to the body of knowledge which is the RKC System.

Just think I asked you Friday night what you were going to about your "RKC Senior" tattoo when you were promoted to RKC Master.

-Rich (Brand spanking new RKC!)

P.S. It was good seeing you again.

Tracy Reifkind said...

My love,

I'm so proud of your promotion, I just can't believe the battery on our camera gave out just before the announcement....hopefully Brad will come through with the pictures I took with his camera.....Brad, if your out there, you owe me, lol!

Tom Furman said...

Congratulations. It's nice to be appreciated for something you do,..
It's even better when it is your passion.

-- Tom Furman

Iron Tamer said...

Rif, I am grinning ear to ear! Congrats and it is well deserved!

Howie B said...

Congratulations Rifs! Awesome news!!

BJ Bliffert said...

Very nice Mark, Congrats.

BJ's Blog

Jordan Vezina said...

Tracy, Vanessa got the whole thing with my video camera. I'll get the footage this week and burn it to a CD for you.

Joe Sarti said...

Congrats my friend, you are well deserving of this honor and the RKC is lucky to have you as much as you are to have them. It has been a great journey that begin many years ago and since our first training day late December of 2004 it has been awesome to watch your transformation as you are not only a master teacher, you are master student. I thank you for helping me immensely on my path and know that you will continue to affect large numbers of folks with your wisdom.

Continue to enjoy the journey! Well deservde

Mark Reifkind said...

thank you and yes, Master Instructor DOES sound good. great, in fact,lol.

Mark Reifkind said...


thanks man and no, no rewrite or second tattoo.

Mark Reifkind said...


thanks so much for the kind words, you have always been such a great supporter.appreciate it greatly and hope to see you again soon.

Mark Reifkind said...

thanks britt and sean,

sean no I will there in sept not oct.

Mark Reifkind said...

jordan you kicked ass! amazing your eyelids hurts but you have no hand tears? how did that happen?

Mark Reifkind said...


thanks much and it was great to se eyou again as well. and congrats on becoming RKC

Mark Reifkind said...


the only thing better than getting the promotion was having you by my side when it happened :))

Mark Reifkind said...


you da man, thanks so much dude.

Mark Reifkind said...

very much appreciated.

Mark Reifkind said...

Jordan thats GREAT. Tracy will be very happy.

Mark Reifkind said...

howie and bj

thanks so much, I am quite honored.

Jordan Vezina said...

Rif, I have to keep my hands soft and delicate for when I mingle with high society types.

4 Ranges, RKC said...

YEAHHH!!! Congrats Rif!! Well deserved!

Franklin said...

A most deserved honor, Sir and I look forward to this weekend to congratulate you person. Way to go!!

Franz Snideman said...


As I told you this weekend, nobody deserved this more than you. Frankly, no one has the experience that you have and for that you are well deserving of your promotion!

Yoana and I are proud to know you and Tracy and to be part of the RKC community because of people like you two!

Rock on Rif!

Franz, Yoana, Marianna

Doug Nepodal Sr. RKC said...

Rif, Congrats
I'm glad I was there to witness the whole thing. You have done a ton for me and I thank you for everything.


Bob O. said...

Congrats RIF! Very cool and deserving.

BTW, I'm digging the RIFGA! It is really apparent how well it works on days I don't practice! Then I pay with the foam roller! lol

Mark Reifkind said...

thank you joe, that is high praise. Its been a very intersting journey so far and it was good to have you involved in so much of it. hope all is well with you.

Mark Reifkind said...

and yes franz, I so do appreciate all the very kind things you said this weekend and they will not be forgotten. much appreciated and it was great hanging out. tracy and Yoanna had some interesting training conversations it seems.

Mark Reifkind said...

RIFGA rocks, lol!seriously I also pay the price if I don't get on the floor and open things up VERY regularly.
its' very easy to become lazy after you start feeling better but then things just get out of true that much faster!
thanks again.

Mark Reifkind said...


thanks man very cool to say. and we will meet in just a very few days.looking forwards to it.

Mark Reifkind said...

Team Rif Baby!
Yeah man it is great. thanks!

Mark Reifkind said...


I have NOTHING but the highest praise for you in every way man.You are a teacher of the highest caliber, an athlete of the same top level,a student of the game who actually can see the forest for the trees and just an all around great guy.Plus, if you were any more easy going you'd melt,lol.Not to mention the hair, :)
seriously though, I appreciate your kind words and want you to know I ALWAYS get happy when I know we will be working together.
See ya soon.

Nikki Shlosser said...


To all who missed it, this was a really awesome moment. Of course, this is coming from a puddle of goo, fresh from the grad workout. Emotions may have been slightly skewed. ;)

But really, exceptionally cool. I hope it was captured on video...

Sir, it was fabulous to finally meet you and the Mrs. Rif. I'd like to thank you again for the hand care, as well.


Aaron Friday said...

40th Comment:

Dude, you rock! Should have got it the last go-round.

fawn said...

What!? I thought you were Master Instructor years ago...
Well, we will see you soon and celebrate!

Unknown said...

Congratulations, Brother. Your ears already heard it from me, but it needed to be said in print too.

Much love from me, Courtney & Cub!

Mark Reifkind said...


Thanks and so good to finally meet you. you rocked the course and are such a humble, respectful person as well as a hell of an athlete.

Mark Reifkind said...


one of the best things that has happened since I joined this community has been meeting, working with and getting to know you.A finer man there is not.You are an incredible addition and resource to everyone in the RKC.
thank you so much for everything you have said to and given me.You are indeed a true friend and that is rare and not forgotten.

Mark Reifkind said...

Fawn and aaron,

thanks so much both of you and can't wait to spend time with you guys this weekend!
your kind words are greatly appreaciated

fawn said...

Be prepared to drive Aaron crazy with non-stop talk of powerlifting this weekend.

Christine said...

Hey Rif!

Congratulations on your promotion! That's awesome! Too bad it wasn't a few weeks sooner so I could catch your Sr and your Master promos....


Anonymous said...

Congrats!! you dont know me, but I feel some encouragement is in order!!

I read you and your wife's blog a lot. I got RKC'd in 'o7...your name runs wild through KB world so I started checking your blog out. Thank you for your dedication to KB training and sharing your wealth of training knowledge with us all...again congradulations!
later, alan

Mark Reifkind said...


thank you Sir, I appreciate your comments.I'm glad that my training and my blogs can be of some use to people to encourage or motivate or inspire. It's all good if it's training.
I'm as much student as teacher and my blog has simply been my electronic training log. I've always thought about training and its implications in my paper logs as well. They were the grist for my earlier magazine articles.Same thing here.
Hope to meet you some day.

Mike T Nelson said...

Congrats on the Master Trainer achievement!!
See ya in MN
rock on
Mike n

Cecilia Tom said...

Congrats again, coach! You just caused property values in the Bay Area to skyrocket.

Hope you're having fun at the CK-FMS. When are you offering the Rifga cert?

Anonymous said...


175 x 1 x 10 chin press, 20 kg swings 4x5/5 24 kg swings 4 x 5/5 band pushdowns 3 x 15

 These went perfectly.Good thing too as I'm having trigger thumb surgery and won't be pressing bars for two weeks but it has to get ...