Sunday, April 27, 2008

Snatch Musings.

My new hero,Eduard Trusevich.I want to be him when I grow up.

What a difference a few months, a few technique changes and some shoulder mobility makes.I truly never thought my shoulder would be able to handle consistent, intense snatch training,especially after last year when I had to give up ALL snatch work and rebuild from scratch with just swings, overhead holds and LOTS of shoulder flexibility and joint mobility work.
The max vo2 training totally changed my view of the snatch, how to train it, what I am capable of,and the work has prepared me, on many levels, for the next stage of my training, testing and , perhaps competing.It has shown me, without a doubt, that light weights can really build incredilbe strength and fitness that does carryover to the heavier weights and the longer sets. No doubt.
Just as in WSB training, where light weights, moved fast with short rest periods, teach one to exert true power and create superior conditioning, max vo2 training and the incredible volume and power that it requires really brought me to an entirely new level. And, as I love to say, the higher you climb the farther you see. And the view has really changed now.
There are many different ways to be efficient. Efficiency for moving fast is much different than the efficiency to maintain for long periods. Efficiency for strength and power is much different than efficiency for relaxed sustained effort. Yet they all can work together to build separate but complimentary qualities needed for complete mastery and skill of the lifts being done.
It all depends on the goal. You get what you train for.
Which brings me precisely to what this is about.What I am training for.
Short term I have two main snatch goals now: 100 reps in five minutes with the 24 kg and 200 reps in ten minutes with the 20 kg.The Ultimate long term goal is 200 reps in 10 minutes with the 24 kg. I now KNOW I will get these.It literally is just a matter of time; now that I know I can train the snatch intensely and consistently without tearing my shoulder up.I will just keep going and going until I achieve it. That's just how I am.I'm not in a hurry.I will just keep plodding forward until it is achieved.My next tattoo will probably be a pitbull holding a kettlebell because that's how I view myself; a pitbull. Once I get hold of something I want I just don't let go.
And now, that I know I will get my ssst goals I started thinking ahead of that; what's next after that? Higher SSST numbers? Yes, for sure, but also I started to realize that I could compete in GS( at least in the snatch) if I wanted to.
I have always said that GS appealed to me, on many different levels. First off, the solitary, amateur only type sports like gymnastics, powerlifting and ultra running and cycling have a great appeal to me. I have never liked team sports or even pro sports.I love the Olympic ideal of the true amateur working his craft toward perfection; searching for Glory, not dollars.And that's personal glory, not just the thrill of the win over others.Beating your old self is the key.
I love the Zen simplicty and minimalism of such solitary pursuits: the same thing over and over again, honed down more and more until autonamous perfection is reached.Like meditation where all outside distractions are systematically removed and one is forced deeper and deeper inside, where the true self lay. And true insight is to be had.Stilling the monkey mind so the true mind can be observed.
I have always found this in my training and have missed it these last few years when everything was basically rehab. It had to be done, and I wasn't sure that that wasnt all there was left for me but now I know that's not the case.Very hard to get to that place with one foot on the gas and another on the break as I have had to do for what seems forever.
ANd I know the difference between training and competing form as well. That one can do more reps and NOT be any stronger or fitter- just know more tricks.This became crystal clear to me when I changed my grip and my breathing and basically double my per set output virtually overnight.Not any fitter, just working less hard per rep which let me work longer. It ain't rocket science,which some seem to think.
Which is perfect and appropriate for the platform. ANd something that absolutely has to be trained as well if it is to be perfected. But that more than one method has to be utilized.
I see my snatch training evolving as if I were a distance runner:
1) distance and overdistance training: working with 3 min, 5 min and longer sets per arm,regardless of pace and weight.My LSD work for baseline conditioning and competition form.
2) Tempo work: my ssst training with multiple hand switches.This is the kb equivilant of speed work on the track or fartlek work on the trail.This will increase conditioning and teach the higher pace for the long term goal numbers
3) max vo2 work: for maximal cardiovascular conditioning, lactic acid tolerance and explosive power.This would be like short interval and or hill work.

I can see my snatch workouts expanding to three days a week, mixing in LOTS of swings as my assistance work for my leg and hip strength.this will be vital because my competition snatch technique requires less and less from my lower body. I need to stay in balance.
But my first goals have to be accomplished and that might take awhile. But I will be working on all of it at the same time because even the light, long sets will contribute as well.The wider the base the taller the peak. So my GS will be RKC style GS, using a multi faceted approach and building strength and power at the same time I increase my endurance and comp technique. As I said, it ain't rocket science.


Full body Z drills 40 minutes.

Stick and floor rifga 15minutes

really am going to focus now on using the stick to push my overhead flexibility as far as I can take it til it's 'normal'.I realized today part of my problem was that I went from such an extreme level of joint flexibility and range of motion as a gymnast all the way up to a completely stiff powerlifter with ROM in about 2 planes of motions: squat and bench.

Now that the Z opened up the joint I can use this increased mobility to increase my overall flexiblity as well and keep the muscle tensions more balanced.Just need to spend more time overhead. The true test will be getting back into handstand symmetrically.I have some serious scapulo thoracic rotations from gymnastics "twisting" in only one direction for years with a shoulder injury on top . lots of fun.


Unknown said...

Awesome work Rif. It's amazing to see how far your shoulders have come since i've known you. Not even a year yet. Your persistance AND patience is inspiring.

Oh, part of me thinks if it were rocket science it would be easier.

Mark Reifkind said...

thanks Tim, yeah that's right. you met me back when the shoulder barely got overhead without a crane. and THAT was way better than it had been in eons,lol. only the beginning baby.I am persistence and patient, no doubt.Hey, you use the tools you have to achieve what you desire.

Howie B said...

Excellent discussion Rif. I love the way you are able to view things and then pass it along to the rest of us. Although still being somewhat new to the world of kb's, I see that there are so many aspects to moving this cannonball that it can easily take a lifetime to explore and master each and every avenue that is available. Personally, I don't have too many hours to devote to my kb work, but like you, I intend to keep chugging forward, no matter how long it takes. I'm in no rush. Most important to me is staying healthy, feeling young and having fun! Thanks for today's lesson.

Mark Reifkind said...

you're welcome howie and glad you are getting something out of my training observations.
yeah and you're right: take your time. win lose or draw, the next day you're back in the gym.its a process.

Franz Snideman said...

Rif, those are awesome goals, absolutely awesome! I must day the timed sets absolutely scare me. ..never been much for work capacity training....and it has been my nemesis and downfall my whole life. I now know that I must increase my GPP if I ever want to improve my KB practice and even my sprint training!

I have no doubt that you will achieve your 5 min and 10 min snatch goals with the 24kg

Gabi said...

I love these 'philosophical' posts of yours... to see the process of goal-setting to strategies to programming to actual workout-design, so instructive. Maybe no rocket science - an art, but one that also requires clear logic, comprehensive view and a sound base of knowledge.

Mark Reifkind said...

thanks franz,

you keep talking about increasing gpp when am I gonna see some volume workouts? just bustin' your chops franz, I KNOW you've got a lot on your plate buddy.
I will say you should devote at least one session a week to an progressively increasing volume of swings or light snatches.
actually,now that I think aobut it, you should be doing snatch vo2, it would SO help your sprinting and kill two birds with one stone.

Mark Reifkind said...

thanks again gabi,

glad my 'musings' are interesting to someone besides myself :))I've done things this way for a long time- I have to deconstruct what my goals are and how to get there. It's the only way I know how.Writing things down helps a lot to make it clear what I have to do.good luck next week at the RKC, wish I was going to meet you in person at Denmark.

175 x 1 x 10 chin press, 20 kg swings 4x5/5 24 kg swings 4 x 5/5 band pushdowns 3 x 15

 These went perfectly.Good thing too as I'm having trigger thumb surgery and won't be pressing bars for two weeks but it has to get ...