That's how I am thinking about my snatch training lately, which is about to take center stage in my training world.It's been a long time coming; back to being able to snatch regularly again without making the shoulder worse and the first time ever that I am going to train for the five and ten min SSST. I truly never thought I would be able to do either safely,that's how messed up I was. Anything that resembled pushing could bring on serious pain and possible injury so I just swore it off.
But consistent swing,snatch and overhead hold practice seems to have brought things around to be able to do the Snatch Vo2 safely and that has dramatically changed both my snatch form and shoulder resilience as well as my cardiovascular abilities.Add in the Z and the clubs and my entire scapulo throacic area is in the best shape it's been in since the early eighties.Not to say it's anywhere near perfect; nor that I can't slide backwards in a heartbeat if I'm stupid or greedy. But my awareness of what's happending is way better and my pre/rehab/corrective exercise toolbox is way bigger.
I'm switching Saturdays back to snatch day and will alternate training each week for the 20 kg ten minute test and the 24 kg five minute test. The ten minute long course will build my wind and lactic acid tolerance as well as base form/general endurance. THe five minute faster and heavier short course will build strength and power and make the 20 kg feel light. The longer sets with the 20kg will make the shorter sets with the 24 blow by fast.
Wednesdays Snatch Vo2 workouts will build O2 uptake capacity, speed ,power and quick recovery with little rest.
Total volume per day is yet to be determined, as well as length of sets but it will soon be clear.
Todays workout went very well with this concept.
Snatch16kg x5/5/5/5x224kgx10/10x10/10/5/5x10/10/6/6x10/10/7/7x10/10/10/10x10/10176 reps9,328 lbs176 snatch race pointsrunning total= 976
wow this went great. Used the false grip, corkscrew and super secret DW breathing technique,lol.What a difference each makes and together,wow.I've never been able to do these types of sets straightup hardstyle, which is the point.All these techniques makes snatching
easier not harder, which is the point of adaptive, overload training.One sits on a box to make the squat harder, not easier.Competition form is another thing, another skill, and that's where one wants to make things easier. SO today I practiced that AND got a great workload in.
If I am going to test for 5-10 minutes I have to get used to going longer and longer all the time with the pace I want to maintain to get the goal.As well as build my CV system with increased max vo2 training. It's just SO amazing to me that I get to even play like this again. I thought this type of training in anything was over for me forever :((
How cool it's not!
Snatches have never felt this controlled and explosive at the same time!
10 lb 2 CB Swipes100 reps 4 min 45 secthis was fun. The 10s are such great weight to go long reps with. The 15's can still be tough on my elbow if I get tired and not keep the load 'spread'.the tens are fun and going 5 min straight is perfect training.The hardest part is just standing in one place for so long and not be able shift like you can with one arm work.
10 lb 1 CB swipe100 reps switch arm every 10 reps3:45 secah, these are cool and went faster. very relaxing and therapeutic.rythymic
Shield Cast100 reps switching every 103:30 secthis was great for opening up my shoulders in the the circular, transverse plane
BW 162
BF 8.1%
water 61.4%Datsit. will do some Z and rifga later to stay loose.It's all good though.*edit*Ok, this is what it looks like for ssst training for the 20 and 24 kg respectively. 20 kg day will focus on one minute sets for each arm,waving the number of switches/sets till I get past 8 minutes regularly and up to 400 total reps per workout( double the goal).
24 kg day will be as today,switching every ten reps and working up to 200 + reps per workout and or multiple 4-5 minute sets.