One of the things I had forgotten about is when, after a decent taper and a peak, when you start back up again you occasionally start out at a higher level of ability then you would have just a few cycles ago. That is to say, 70% is not always 70%.
Today was MVO2 day and I was planning on 35 sets of just 7's as I have been pretty flat since the weekend and the seminar.My normal start to a 4 week peaking cycle.I wasn't even planning on doing any 8 rep sets.Just a nice slow start.
And I was pretty hungry for some reason, something I'm almost never am before training. Not enough tea perhaps:))
But when I started I noticed my groove was right here and the bell was flying really easily.No wasted motion at all and the speed was good.Had 2 + seconds left per 15 sec bout. Still was thinking aobut 7's all the way.
25 sets went by very fast and HR was low(?) 150 or less.So I decided to do 8's for the last 11 sets and THEY were fast too, leaving me with a second to spare in each round. HR stayed around mid 150's too. even to the end.Did 36 sets and it was no problem.
And my form is even more stiff legged;it seems the more I lean the more I get into my hip and the more I sit back the less my hips get into the picture. same as my deadlift and even my squat.I do have to stay focused on keeping my back flat and staying flat on my foot as well.
But I was really snapping into the bottom and powering right out. Way cool.
MVO 2 snatch 15:15
16kg x 25 sets x7 175 reps 6300 lbs
16kgx11 sets x8 reps 88 reps 3160 lbs
total reps 263
total weight 9460
total time 18 min
two handed swipes
25lbx10x4 sets
these were harder than I remembered,lol!~But I am a bit tired too.Triceps and upper torso get such a good stretch in the back position.switch grip each set.
Rack walks
16kgx1600 feet.switch hands every 200.
Glad to be back on track with this exericse. I need to do it.gait is much improved.Back over 2000 feet soon.
Two handed swings
16kgx30 sec on 30 sec off x 4 sets
I refuse to give up on being able to do this exericse and getting back into the rotation! The two hand swing is the Power Squat of the KB swings and I want my back to be able to tolerate this. Have to start off this time with low volume AND low intensity.Start real slow.
datsit.Have LOTS of Z and stretching to do.
Today was MVO2 day and I was planning on 35 sets of just 7's as I have been pretty flat since the weekend and the seminar.My normal start to a 4 week peaking cycle.I wasn't even planning on doing any 8 rep sets.Just a nice slow start.
And I was pretty hungry for some reason, something I'm almost never am before training. Not enough tea perhaps:))
But when I started I noticed my groove was right here and the bell was flying really easily.No wasted motion at all and the speed was good.Had 2 + seconds left per 15 sec bout. Still was thinking aobut 7's all the way.
25 sets went by very fast and HR was low(?) 150 or less.So I decided to do 8's for the last 11 sets and THEY were fast too, leaving me with a second to spare in each round. HR stayed around mid 150's too. even to the end.Did 36 sets and it was no problem.
And my form is even more stiff legged;it seems the more I lean the more I get into my hip and the more I sit back the less my hips get into the picture. same as my deadlift and even my squat.I do have to stay focused on keeping my back flat and staying flat on my foot as well.
But I was really snapping into the bottom and powering right out. Way cool.
MVO 2 snatch 15:15
16kg x 25 sets x7 175 reps 6300 lbs
16kgx11 sets x8 reps 88 reps 3160 lbs
total reps 263
total weight 9460
total time 18 min
two handed swipes
25lbx10x4 sets
these were harder than I remembered,lol!~But I am a bit tired too.Triceps and upper torso get such a good stretch in the back position.switch grip each set.
Rack walks
16kgx1600 feet.switch hands every 200.
Glad to be back on track with this exericse. I need to do it.gait is much improved.Back over 2000 feet soon.
Two handed swings
16kgx30 sec on 30 sec off x 4 sets
I refuse to give up on being able to do this exericse and getting back into the rotation! The two hand swing is the Power Squat of the KB swings and I want my back to be able to tolerate this. Have to start off this time with low volume AND low intensity.Start real slow.
datsit.Have LOTS of Z and stretching to do.
Mark... Ironic about what you say about the low HR...The last couple of times I have done that protocol my HR has stayed below 160 as well. Probably means its time to change something up. We adapt or we die.LOL!!!
Take Care
it's what I've been waiting for.if the HR is too low then the work isn't hard enough.the whole idea is to stay above 90% max HR to elicit the uptick in max vo2.
hopefully it's a real change for me and signals time to go to 8's and not just a 'good day'.we'll see.good news either way.
"you occasionally start out at a higher level of ability then you would have just a few cycles ago."
I can't wait until this happens to me. Greedy aren't I?
Funny you should post a picture of a wave when writing about snatches. I have recently started imagining my body moving like a "wave" when snatching. I have been moving more with my hips and keeping my knees a little straighter... I feel a lot of abs, but also more power.
be patient young jedi,lol. it will.
I love that surfing pic. UNREAL!!
Good stuff
Mike N
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