Thursday, June 29, 2006

Norcal Kettlebells

Just realized it as I posted Toms blog and website on my blog that we really have a great little group of RKCs in this area that are in good communication and its just getting started.! Pete, Ken, Joe,Monica,Tom, and of course me.We can include Franz and Yoana by geographic default here too,lol. Lots of great training and life wisdom being transmitted as well as encouragement and energy for training.Good stuff.


Royce said...

Northeren Cali has always had good energy in my humble opinion.
It's no wonder so many people in search of excellence gather there.
Santa Rosa is one of my favorite cities in th US as is Arcata in Humboldt County.
I envy the fact that you get to live in Norcal, due to my step-childrens custody arrangements I can't leave AZ.

Franz Snideman said...

You're right Rif. You guys have a nice collection of bright minds and thanks for including us so-cal folk to. It really is an awesome thing to build a community of like minded coaches who each bring unique,yet common experiences into the mix.

Ken Black said...

Great to be here and it is always a learning experience for me.

Pete said...

Thanks for the link to my site! We are very fortunate for the synergy that is even more personal than just posting on a major site like DD. There will be updates very soon. My training this past week and a half was decimated due to the academy class graduating. I made myself not stress about it and be "fluid and flexible". That's what I love about kettlebell is not like regular weight lifting where the workouts are bodyparts/day. I can just pick the KB up and start swinging, pressing, squatting or snatching and get a great sweat built up.

I meet my new recruits informally tomorrow for a kettlebell introduction. They have not started day one of the academy, yet, but a new idea was presented, and I was all for it; get them a little workout with their PT instructor prior to the start.

I am sure that this will be their first introduction to KBs. The ETK will be a big help.

Mark Reifkind said...

this is just the beginning of even more good training and wisdom. thanks guys.


Tommy Shook said...

Yeah, I have to agree. Great little community we are developing here and I am really appreciative of everyone's insight, wisdom and encouragement. I personally gain so much from all of you and I really just want to say how much I appreciate what is happening.

Pete, give those guys an eye-opener man!!

Joe Sarti said...

Great to be a part of this local community. We do have a special group of professionals and people to share with and learn from!

Nice Post Rif

175 x 1 x 10 chin press, 20 kg swings 4x5/5 24 kg swings 4 x 5/5 band pushdowns 3 x 15

 These went perfectly.Good thing too as I'm having trigger thumb surgery and won't be pressing bars for two weeks but it has to get ...