Monday, July 31, 2017

145 lb Military Press; 3 x 5,1 x 3, 1 x 4, 1 x 3, 48 kg belt squats,floor pushups, crawls, rear delt

I had to choose between taking 140 or 145 for my work weight today. 135 was semi tough last week so 140 would have been a smarter choice but I thought last week was tough for technical reasons and I thought I had them figured out.
So 145 would be better, it would tie my current pr for 5x5 ( which was NOT easy at all) and would get me to 150, my next goal weight for 5x5 faster.
I didn't expect it to be hard, to be honest
And, I felt really strong and solid coming in and warming up

But I made a small mistake which really cost me in the rep count BUT I figured out a very key piece of the standing military press puzzle.

Warmups felt good as I wrote and the work weight felt light. The walkout setup was solid ( I thought) and the initial drive was good but the middle was off

The first three sets of 5 werent bad at all but on the 4th rep of the 4th sets I just stalled. Nothing.Nada, No gas


And all in the triceps.
5th set layback more 4 reps!
6th set of 3 EASY when I did as Glenn suggested and put the bar higher on my chest. I was taking it off too low and really increasing the ROM AND the bar path

As soon as I racked the weight higher on the neck the last set was FAST!
It's fine to miss the work weight if I figure something out like this!

Mil Press
bar x 5
65 x 6
85 x 3
105 x 3
135 x 1
145 x 5 x 3, 3 x 1,4 x 1, 3 x 1

same rep count (25)  as 5 x 5

have to decide to repeat this weight or just go up to 150 and start chipping away at it

48 kg Belt squat
4 sets of 12

a higher squat but I can really feel a  difference in the different part of the leg
( more mid thigh and glutes!)

Floor pushup
35 x 2 sets
30 reps

triceps were cooked from all the mis grooving

3 sets of 70 ft

Rear delts
3 sets of 12 with 20 lbs

BW 167.2
Bf 12.2
W 56.6

feel thick lean and strong today
recovered from the adrenal dump


Sunday, July 30, 2017

Strength is back ruck

Very solid ruck today with Gabe. It helps a lot it was cooler and with some breeze. Hot, dead air is a  killer when trying to breathe hard.

No real reprecussions from yesterdays workout. Glutes and legs were fine. Didnt  push any laps as Gabe was hurting from his cheat day yesterday and I decided to take pity on him :)

We finished ten minutes early so pace was probably averaging 7:45 or so

50 lb Ruck
12 laps
11 iso squats
1:50 min

BW 167.2
BF 12.5
W 56.5

so strange

145 lb press for 5 x 5 tomorrow. going to get some momentum going


Saturday, July 29, 2017

44 kg One Arm Swings 10 x 8/8, barbel hacks,wt pushups, 1 arm cb casts, side delts

Super strong today. Everything felt good. No aches or pains at start and energy solid. The 44 felt not quite light but not heavy easy and my groove was solid. Again, Wednesdays switch to 8 rep sets mimics this form much better; it transfers well and is definitely helping today's workout.

One arm swings
16 kg x 5/5 x 2
20 kg x 5/5
24 kg x 5/5
28 kg x 5/5
32 kg x 5/5
36 kg x 4/4
44 kg x 8/8 x 10
160 reps
15,520 lbs

Barbell hacks
95 x 8
115 x 8
135 x 8 ( no straps)
145 x 7

digging these again and focusing on grip as assistance work for my press! One thing that I lose focus on during heavy pressing is gripping the bar hard. the straps were a disconnect

Wt pushups
BW x 10
25 x 10
35 x 10 x 3

sandbag went missing so we used clubbells. weird. not hard tho

One am cb arm casts
15 lbs x 8/8 x 3

wow! left hand wrist and grip and lat were way off on this! by third set I got the lat to activate the grip strengthened but good thing I played with the one arm version. that was TOO weak!

side laterals
3 sets of 15 with 15s
stronger than ever

BW 168.2
BF 11.9
W 57

stopping ketones now.stomach is not particularly liking them, no distinct benefits and not sure if weight gain is part of it. Also the caffeine drink is not like coffee and I don't like the buzz

Ruck up tomorrow


Thursday, July 27, 2017

Getting back to strong ruck

Frank Bozanich Ultra god.

Heat conditioning is finally kicking in, over 90 degrees at 1pm when I started but I felt relatively good. especially after yesterdays swing work . Glutes and hams were fine as is the shoulder. All that band work is really paying off: band pullaparts, overhead snatch grip stretches and pulls and the windmill stretch are keeping that nasty biceps tendon in its' correct place for a change.

Got some decent lap times too,which has been seriously rare on a thursday

45lb ruck
6 laps
3rd lap 7:43
6th lap 7:23
not bad at all. still too stinking hot but I could do it
55 min

4 am
BW 167.5
BF 12.5
W ?

1 pm pre ruck
BW 167
BF 10.9
W 57.7

creatine, ketone bar, small handful almonds, extra coffee at 5 am

off tomorrow and then 44 kg!


Wednesday, July 26, 2017

24 kg speed swings 14 min,walking lunges,parallel pushups, rear delts

AND, pretty much just like that I feel back to normal. Energy levels, that is. Hopefully it's not just one day either,lol. But today I felt like i had  some gas in the tank and wasn't searching for motivation.

The eights on the speed swings continued to work very well, really allowing us to groove our swing mechanics with the focus on the heavy day swings, and not cut the back or the top of the float, and as well as maximizing power output.
Felt strong and lunges felt good

We'll see how the ruck goes tomorrow but hopefully I'm back on track

24 kg speed swings
14 min
28 sets
280 reps
14,840 lbs

weight felt light, form felt on,energy was on

Walking lunges
4 laps of 40 steps unbroken

strong here too
really focused on ankle flexion and quad stretch

parallel bar pushups
3 sets of 30

this is a good indication too, although the last five reps on the last set were very tough

rear delts
3 sets of 12 with 20
strongest yet

BW 167
BF 12.1
W 56.8

so weird again. think I'm going off ketone anything for a week. been liking the bars but something's off.


Monday, July 24, 2017

Military press 135 x 5 x 5, 40 kg belt squats,floor pushups, crawls, side raises

Still damn tired. Slept really well, no aches or pains but just 'flat'. It's an adrenaline come down even though I didn't purposely adrenalize, all that heavy shit does some for you.So I just backed up, relaxed and went with it

Should have taken more warmup sets though as the jumps were too big for this tired body now and the first set of 5 was too hard. Each set got easier as I warmed up both mentally and physically. Just not up for this today

Military press
stick x 5
bar x 5
65 x 5
85 x 4
115 x 3 ( too big)
135 x 5 x 5 way too big a jump

155 x 1
165 x 1
170 x 1

these are probably ok but not sure how much help they really will be. I did them right and really rested the bar on the torso. but there wasn't the same tension as there would be if I was going to really try to press it. We'll see

40 kg belt squat
4 sets of 16

strong and unbroken all four sets

Floor pushups

ok really dead here

3 sets of 60 ft

so so

side raises
3 sets of 10 with 20 lbs

went heavier so I didn't have to do more reps

BW 167
BF 11.9
W 56.8

needed stretch out day tomorrow


Slow and tired ruck

Strangely though, I wasn't that tired starting. And nothing was too tight or stiff either. My legs just didn't want to move fast at all. So I didn't worry about it and just went as I could. By halfway though I knew the rest was going to be a slog. A real slog, with stop breaks ,etc. My upper back was tired and my glutes were too

At least it was 'even' across both glutes.
Just not much in the tank. This is the stepping down part.
I even had to talk myself out of just doing 10 or 11 laps!
But I talked myself back into reality.

50 lb ruck
12 laps
10 iso squats
last lap 7:35 ( that was tough)
total time 2:05 ! slow slow

BW 166
BF 12.1
W 56.6


Saturday, July 22, 2017

40 kg One Arm Swings 10 x 10/10,Barbell Hacks, Wt pushups, rear laterals

This was strong and hard at the same time. Heartrate got up to 170 or so on the 7th set. The bell felt light and I thought I had great power output throughout each rep of each set. But I was huffin' and puffin'.

I think it was mainly because I could go hard on each and every rep. Probably more than ever before and that bumped the intensity.
Not sure but I'm even more happy with the sets after watching the video. I can't tell how high the bell goes most of the time; I'm just focused on pushing though the floor and flexing the glutes and quads til it's time to hinge again!

Groove felt very good and I feel Wednesday's session helped this one. The 8's on Wed stay

One arm swings
16 kg x 5/5 x 2
20 kg x 5/5
24 kg x 5/5
28 kg x 4/4
32 kg x 3/3
40 kg x 10/10 x 10
200 reps
17,600 lbs !

worksets in about 28 min

Barbell hacks
65 x 8
85 x 8
105 x 8
135 x 7 ( straps- makes leg work harder but might create a total body disconnect)

Wt Pushups
BW x 10
45 x 10  x 3

strong and shoulders felt fine

Rear delts
3 x 10 with 20 lbs

BW 165.8 ??
BF 12.0
W 56.7

no idea why it dropped. strange

long ruck tomorrow


Thursday, July 20, 2017

recovery ruck

Ok now it's caught up with me a bit and today the legs and back were just tired. as soon as I put the 45 lb pack on my back I felt it. Not injured, just tired. and I was ready for a nap already. Plus it was cloudless and getting up into the mid 80s
Just wanted to get it over with

started slow and stayed steady. then it got better and my legs and lungs opened up

finished strong

 45 lb ruck
6 laps
55 min

BW 168
BF 11.4
W 57

still taking 1/2 serving ketones and creatine

rest tomorrow and volume on saturday


Wednesday, July 19, 2017

24 kg Speed swings 12 min/8's,walking lunges, parallel pushups, side raises

Back to the 24 kg again but this time for 8 reps per set. 8's are my perfect number for swings, either single arm or both sides, as above that things get hard , lol. Actually they get a little too glycolitic for me to maintain max power output and I'm more struggling to maintain power than producing it.

Eights seem perfect. Even 8 sets is perfect for max strength and power. Sets 9 ,10 or more really start to hurt. And there's a training value in that but not for power so much but power endurance. I did enough of that these last three years. This is a good break

And I didn't feel that the 20 kg was that much easier or better but it was light enough that I could do whatever form I wanted to and it usually wasn't the big bell deep hinge I need for the heavier bells.
So we dropped to 8 reps in 15 second and it was perfect. No rush in the back swing and enough time to 'enjoy the float' and maintain ground force output without having to do eccentric overload which I can't do much,not need to, with the heavier bells.

Not sore from Monday at all

24 kg Speed swings
8 rpa
12 min
24 sets
192 rep
10,176 lbs tonnage

very strong. hardstyle all the time

walking lunges
4 laps of 40 steps unbroken

Parallel pushups

a week but knackered from Monday here

Side laterals
3 sets of 15 with 15lbs

BW 168.2 !!! WTF?!!
BF 12.4
W 56.5

have no idea where this came from.still using 5g creatine and 1 teaspoon ketones mid morning.

Ruck up tomorrow. at least it's cooled down


Monday, July 17, 2017

175 lb Military press PR,36 kg belt squats, 70 rep Pushup PR, crawls, rear delts

I had no idea how this was going to go. Recovered well yesterday after the ruck and felt great but slept on my neck weird and left trap and scap were tight all morning. I figured it was psychological and would release, as it usually does, once I get into the gym but I wasn't sure.

I knew though I would try these jumps

and then if I could I would bump it up to 180.
I couldn't BUT all else went well. Warmups were just about perfect. I perhaps could have goine
then 175

I weight was a bit of a shock at first and perhaps required more muscle tension than needed if it hadn't been such a big jump from 155 but who knows?

All I know is that there was no way I could grind like that again on  180. No worries. leave it to another day

So I did this

Military press
stick x 5
bar x 5
65 x 4
85 x 3
105 x 2
120 x 1
135 x 1
155 x 1
175 x 1 PR all time
135 x 8 Rep pr

very happy with this for sure but looking at the tape I can see that my walkout could definitely be improved. I didn't have the weight all the way on my torso as I stepped out and there was a definite loss of connection and tension there. Fixing that will really help.

I was nervous ,lol
And my shoulder was wonky and that's always distracting.
But lessons learned

36 kg Belt squats
4 sets of 18
legs were definitely tight and tired but strong still

Floor pushups
1 x 70 !!! All time Pr

I know I drop my head and it's ugly but I do do the exact same movement and ROM on each rep. It's all the gymnastics training and trying to hold hollow position. tucking the chin, just as on the bench press, really creates a coil effect and helps the push off.

I'll take it.

3 sets of 70

rear delts
3 sets of 12 with 20 lbs

BW 165.6
BF 11.6
W 57.0

Day off tomorrow it's been a HELL of a hard and heavy training week!


Sunday, July 16, 2017

A visitor with us ruck.

Gabe and I had a visitor on our ruck today. Travis Janeway from Washington. Travis is a super cool guy I've known for years and is one of those real deal guys that live this lifestyle, and pass it on to others as excellent coaches.

He was in the area for a movement workshop and dropped in. Good thing I was feeling good as Travis is tall with long legs and was wearing no ruck.
I didn't want to have to start jogging to keep up

50 lb ruck
12 laps
12 iso squats
no timed laps but we were cooking
1:50 min total time ( knew we were fast!)

everything felt fine. legs, lungs ,back.
and no glute calf cramping at the start either. good sign

no idea what i'm going to do tomorrow but i'll probably take a weight and see how I feel

BW 165.6
BF 11.9
W 56.8


Saturday, July 15, 2017

52 and 68 kg One Arm Swings 5 x 5/5 ea, barbell hacks, wt pushups, arm casts, side raises

 This thing brought me some concern last night. I was getting some "taps on the head' via my back just sitting around and that gave me pause. I've had NO back issues in forever and wondered what was setting this off.
I realize it was the pistols. and looking back on my blog confirmed this. That's why I stopped doing them last time.

"The only thing harder than figuring it out is remembering to do it"

As soon as I realized what was going on my back eased. swear to god.
This has happened before, hence the 'tap on the head" instead of the 2 x 4 :)

I decided to balance the loads more than last time with this bell. 5 sets each with the 52 then the 68. last time it was 10 sets then 2 sets . this should save more energy for that monster but still let me warmup enough

It did

One arm swings
16 kg x 5/5 x 2
20 kg x 5/5
24 kg x 5/5
28 kg x 5x5
32 kg x 5/5
36 kg x 5/5
40 kg x 5/5
44 kg x 5/5
52 kg x 5/5 x 5
68 kg x 5/5  x5

52 kg = 5750 lbs
68 kg = 7500 lbs
total 13,250 lb tonnage

not bad for such low reps.

Barbell hacks
65 x 8
85 x8
105 x 8
115 x 8
125 x 8
130 x 8

these have been working great. don't get greedy. I will drop ANY exercise that I find  messes my back up.NOTHING is worth that!

Wt pushups
bw x 10
45 x 10 x  3


25 lbs x 8/8 x 4 sets

my standing dynamic triceps extension/pullover work

love these

side laterals
3 x 12 with 15

BW 166.2
BF 11.4
W 57.3

small serving of instaketones yesterday. should have had them earlier. ate the nuts and had an extra coffee so a small serving of the ketones but it messed with the experiment a bit.
definitely seem more muscular of late and more defined.
will see
going to use a serving of them before the ruck tomorrow


Thursday, July 13, 2017

Another two hour walk/ruck

Caught me by surprise again. A client needed to walk his workout as his home gym was out of order and couldn't come to me! ack another one right before MY ruck. But I gave myself a couple good slaps and realized last weeks 2 hour jaunt actually turned out  good so just suck it up and go

and it was good, again.

Just gotta break the sweat and then all is good

60 min walk at solid 3+ mph pace

45 lb  ruck
60 min
6 laps
7:33 fifth lap

just gotta get the miles in the legs so this is good in the long run

BW 167.4 !!!
BF 11.1
W 57.6

1 pm
BW 166.6
BF 10.0
W 58.3

took half a serving of instaKetones and in hot water much more palatable. still a strong energy but had a small handful of almonds too
Not sure if this is going to surplant the coffee and almonds but I might take it WITH them lol

ok day off tomorrow then the 52 and 68 kg bell. Might do 5 sets with each bell
we'll see


Wednesday, July 12, 2017

20 kg Speed Swings 20 min, walking lunges,parallel pushups, rear laterals

This was strong and hard at the same time. Strong effort for sure but lots of distractions trying to , well, distract me from getting in the zone. Stupid stuff; gardeners blowing leaves and diesel fuel into my garage as I'm trying to suck in enough air to keep going, trying not to keep an eye out for the mailman with package I've been waiting for and have to sign for. And have already missed once. That kind of petty distracting shit.
And then there's the 20 minutes of swings to do

The 20 kg was definitely a blessing too; that 24 would have been much harder and I somehow wonder if I should be using it. ,more power output with the 20 not withstanding.

But I kept my head down and focused on my groove and my breath and NOT going so fast; more trying to emulate the groove and the timing of my heavier swings and it definitely helped. really have to stay flat on my foot at the top of the swing; If I get back too much on my heels it throws everything off. Oly shoe heel or not

Mentally this was a strong effort too. and almost no double breathing save for  2-3 sets at most

20 kg speed swings
20 min
400 reps
17,600 lbs tonnage

Walking lunges
3 laps of 40 sets

cut it short gardeners were choking us with fumes

parallel pushups
3 sets of 30

these really get the most triceps of any vartiation

rear delts
3 sets of 12 with 20's


BW 167.8 at 4am!!
BF 10.4 !!
W 58

1 pm before workout
same other vitals

so weird

started instaketones today. this stuff tastes like orange vomit! no lie. Not sure it is as good as the Keto OS but I will give it five days as i did the keto OS

ruck up tomorrow


Monday, July 10, 2017

160 lb Military press 5 x 2 PR!!, 32 kg belt squats, floor pushups,side laterals crawls

Wow what a weird day. Slept enough just not good ( harder to get up at 3:45 on Monday after getting to sleep in to 5:30 on the weekends now- never been hard before ) Easy day. two clients out so plenty of stretch time but still not feeling great

Used the pruvit ketone drink + the MCT oil product as well on top of an extra cup of coffee and well, definitely felt it.In a very good way but probably shouldn't have had the extra coffee.

Shoulder felt solid all morning too.
Did a short video on my banded windmill drill

Solo today in the gym and it seemed to be fine. The extra mat has made an immeasureable difference in the take off out of the rack, which has made ALL the difference in my set up and hence the actual press itself.

SO much easier and NO bicep tendon talk at all!
Took the closest grip I have had yet on a press.Ring finger RIGHT On the edge of the knurling onto the smooth. A true CLOSE grip. But it felt right and great.

Also really solidified my set up, Bar on the chest, unrack it. Step step step Lay Back and clench glutes. Then Glutes Lats and grip contract simultaneously and rocket it up. Feels perfect.

Military press
 stick x 5
45 x 5
65 x 3
85 x 2
105 x 2
120 x 2
135 x 1
150 x 1
160 x 2 x 5 sets PR!!! never had used this weight as a workout weight before.

Fourth set was shaky. Almost too confident and didn't lay back enough bar got out in front and wasted some energy but I still got both reps

And the fifth set was strong. Video above is second set

32 kg Belt squats
4 sets of 20

very strong legs and lungs

Floor pushups

really thought I had a chance for a rep pr but tricep death got me on 3rd set. A bit anticlimactic after the presses anyhow

Side laterals
3 sets of 15 with 15 lbs


3 laps of 70 ft


166.2 !!
BF 11.4
W 57.8

hardly ate yesterday

Not sure what's next week for the press, Either I take a weight or really back off. I'll know in the next few days


Sunday, July 09, 2017

Solid steady state ruck

 Not anywhere near as beat up as I expected today but not in the mood for high intensity intervals either, so Gabe and I just did a steady state ruck. Most laps were probably around 8 min laps, but more importantly, my legs continued their winning streak from Thursday still feeling light and loose but strong and almost 'motored'.

I didn't have to 'will' each step but once I got them going they just kept rolling.EXACTLY the feeling I have been waiting for. Lets hope it's due to better adaptation and conditioning and not just luck or a false high point

Time will tell. It always does

50 lb ruck
12 laps
11 iso squats, three stances
2 hours almost exactly start to finish

BW 164.8 !!
BF 11.4
W 57.2

solid numbers too

OK tomorrow we put 160 on the bar and hope for doubles :) I just looked and realized I have never done any work sets with 160 lbs so this should be very interesting workout


Saturday, July 08, 2017

48 kg One Arm Swings 13 x 6/6,pistol practice, 42 lb pushups, side delts

Hard one today. Lots of mental distractions to compartmentalize. While they did get put away that takes energy and the workout seemed harder than it needed to be. Regardless though it got done and done strongly

Hot as hell too today, hence the shirtless video. I am loving the compression shorts more and more and don't even think about wearing the fight shorts. These are perfect, never stink, dry as fast as could be and give just the right amount of support for the hips, upper legs and the "boys"

One Arm swings
16 kg x 5/5 x 2
20 kg x 5/5
24 kg x 5/5
28 kg x 5/5
32 kg x 5/5
36 kg x 5/5
40 kg x 5/5
48 kg x 6/6 x 13 sets
156 reps
16,536  tonnage

45 minutes total for all the work sets ( not counting warmups)
four of us in rotation

Pistol Practice

went with the hands forward spot and it's much better. approximates a true pistol balance requirements much closer

4 sets of 3/3

Weighted pushups
BW x 12
42 x 10 x 3

easy. very strong

rear laterals
3 sets of 12

BW  165.2
BF 10.5
W 58.0

These are pretty much my ideal numbers for all these metrics! Now, just to stay here!

Ruck up in the heat tomorrow


Thursday, July 06, 2017

Hour Walk + Hour Ruck :) 45 lbs

Frank Bozanich, Ultra stud.

Ended up doing an hour walk with a client immediately before I was scheduled for my ruck. Hot as hell today too, 90+ and my mind wasn't ready for it. Til I told it to shut up and stop whining and it did.

Turned out that hour walk was an excellent warmup to what turned out to be a very strong, very fast ruck.
Took me 30 min to get really into my groove on my walk with my client but once I started sweating for real everything set in well/
Once I got the ruck on my legs felt exactly as I want them to : strong but loose and unphased by the load. Fully warmed up, and my lungs were nice and open too. But it was freaking freakin hot with no wind and almost no shade.

Again tell the mind to shut up and stop complaining. then it got easy

60 min walk
55 min 45 lb ruck
6 laps
3rd lap 7:32
6th lap : 7:19!

very very strong. and could finish the walk in easily too

BW 164.4
BF 11.5
W 57.1

1 pm fasted
BW 163.4

day off then 48 kg gets a ride.


Wednesday, July 05, 2017

20 kg speed swings 17 min, walking lunges, parallel pushups, side laterals

 Had some visitors today join in the fun. Daniel Pereyo and Shawn Landreth stopped by to train with us and while it was a tight fit in the gym a good time was had by all. Which means we all suffered ,lol
 Shawn, Glen and I did speed swing work while Daniel did his javelin presses them we switch and we did lunges while Daniel did his 32 kg speed swing work. Yes, 32 kg!
Better him than me

20 kg Speed swing
17 min
340 reps
14,960 lbs

this was solid and I actually didn't feel bad at all, even up to the end. Power was solid all the way through too. I'm not sure the 20 is that much easier than the 24 and the workload was 3000lbs less with the 20. 24 next week and see how that goes

Walking lunges
4 laps of 40 steps unbroken
strong today

Parallel pushups
30 ( this set to failure)

Side raises
3 sets of 15 with 15

BW 165.2
BF 11.5
W 57.1

ruck up tomorrow


Monday, July 03, 2017

150 lb Military press 5 x 3, 155 x 3 x 2 !! PR, 48 kg belt squat, floor pushups,crawls, rear laterals

Just as I had hoped! 150 for 5 sets of 3 was solid so I upped the weight to 155 and 3 sets of 2 was even better.
Raised the floor an inch by putting a square of gym mat under the rack and it was not too soft, as I feared. And it really really helped my unracking of the bar and my left biceps tendon issue(which was doing well anyway). But raising the floor an inch made a huge difference in my take off, which made a huge difference in my press

It takes me forever to warmup but I can't rush it. 5 warmup sets and 8 work sets!

set four of five

Military press
stick x 5
45 x 5
65  x 5
85 x 3
105 x 3
125 x 2
140 x 2
150 x 3 x 5 sets
155 x 3 x 2 sets ( ties PR weight for reps but not volume)

very happy with this and the new setup

48 kg belt squat
12,14,16, 18
yeow! glute burn! this bigger bell makes the depth higher but works the hell out of my already fatigued glutes. most excellent :)

Floor pushups

lol was not planning on 40 for second set but music was loud and misheard the count. Last set was strong so I went for it too. Not bad, especially after all the bar presses

3 laps of 70 ft fast
these were very strong today

rear laterals
3 sets of 15 with 15's

these were almost too light! nice

BW 165.4
BF 11.7
W 57

was 165 even after work before workout

ok day off tomorrow
Happy 4th of July!


Sunday, July 02, 2017

Fast ruck

Surprisingly strong and fast today even though legs were not that loose or light feeling. But rucking with my 28 year old son Gabe who is getting fitter everyday and can already walk faster than me is pulling me along for the ride.

Gratefully it was cool out this morning at 7am, almost brisk and that encouraged walking faster.
Pack didn't feel heavy and we were ready to go

12 laps
11 iso squat holds
4th lap : 7:19
8th lap 6:55 !!! ( gabe did 6:38 breaking my pr  of 6:43!lol)
no 11th lap that was hard enough
1:52 minutes total


BW 165.8
BF 11.0
W 57.5

carbed up yesterday no worries

8x3 with 150 tomorrow in the press


Saturday, July 01, 2017

44kg One Arm Swing 10 x 8/8, pistol practice, cbs, weighted pushups,side laterals

Strong solid workout today. Not feeling particularly " up" even though I slept well and prepared really well. Just another day at the office but I was strong as could be.

One Arm Swings
16 kg x 5/5 x 2
20 kg x 5/5
24 kg x 5/5
28 kg x 5/5
32 kg x 5/5
36 kg x 4/4
44 kg x 8/8 x 10 sets
160 reps
15, 520 lbs!

Just solid as could be, Good power on each and every rep of each set, good height , breathing was easy, no fuss no muss

Pistol practice
4 sets of 5/5
this too was much better than last time. have to figure a better way to arm support but that not an issue, really. good depth on both side too.

CB 's

25 lbs 10/10 arm casts
            8/8 shield casts
            7/7 Capt America casts
good way to do these and get the rotationals in too. they were not easy either

Horiz bar weighted pushups
bw x 12
32 x 12
37 x 10 x 2

added a five pound cb to the sandbag. perfect. need a 10 though too easy

side laterals
3 sets of 10 with 15 lbs

now I'm tired

BW 165.2 !
BF 10.9
W 57.6

strange low bf with no bath first. a good sign weird I weighed the same the last three days in a row!

hoping for a strong ruck tomorrow


Five mile ruck

 It went well but I was so close ( 9 laps = 4.7 miles it seems) that I tacked on a longer walk home to get to five slow start again 35 lb ru...