Saturday, April 30, 2016

32 kg One arm swings,barbell hack squat,sandbag pushups,side delts/curls

This is so light now it's almost funny. I can remember not too long ago at all that this was a very hard intense workout just to get through. Still having a bit of vertigo this morning didn't make it easier but an impromptu acupuncture session by Joe Sarti might have saved the day.

Although you can't see it on the video I did do the entire workout with an acupuncture needle on the top of my head! It got better every set and now, hours later I have no symptoms. But we'll see
It certainly sucks badly though.

One arm Swings
16 kg x 5/5/ x 2
20 kg x 5/5
24 kg x 5/5
32 kg x 10/10 x 10 ( video is last set)

Hack squats
65 x 10
95 x10
115 x 8 x 2


Sandbag Pushups
bw x 10
32 lbs x 10 x 3

still letting these deload

Side delts
3 sets of 12 with 15lbs
3 sets of 10 curls

BW 162.4
BF 11.5
W 57.1
( higher carb day )

ok big ruck tomorrow


Thursday, April 28, 2016

Slow ruck

Sometimes you're the hammer and sometimes you're the nail. Got some mild.but real, vertigo last night and I was still feeling some all day today.
Compared to what I went through months ago this was nothing but I wasn't sure at all that it wasn't going to accelerate into that and was on the edge the whole time after the workout til sleep. Couldn't eat much and woke up this morning much better but not without some symptoms

Ate early and frequently this morning and that seemed to help ( instead of more fasting) and wasn't sure I was going to ruck but when it was time it seem safe enough so I went.

It went fine but slowly and that was good , too.

43 lb ruck
6 laps
60 min
3rd lap =8:25
6th lap = 8:13

glad to have done it and got out alive. felt better at the end than the beginning and that's a good sign

BW 159.6
BF 11.5
W 56.6


Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Snatch Vo2 30 set of 7,walking lunges, parallel pushups, rear delts

Well this worked better than expected. Haven't done this workout in forever and didn't know how my cardio would do OR my overhead position. Haven't done this many snatches in forever.

It went much better than expected on all levels. The bell felt ridiculously light, the overhead position was very solid and my wind was excellent. I also did double breathing on all these to increase lung ventilation and that made it easier too.
Also, I could double breathe without it getting my back. that's a win

Snatch Vo2
15;15  16 kg
15 min
30 sets
210 reps
7560 lbs

Very happy with this. We'll alternate a speed swing workout with a snatch vo2 one. Not sure of the time parameters or goals but next week is 20 min speed swings :)

Walking lunges ( bodyweight)
4 sets of 40 steps

these are finally feeling strong without the bag :)

Parallel pushups
4 sets of 20,20, 15, 14

taking it easy after saturday

rear delts
3 sets of 15 with 15 lbs

these felt great and just what my shoulders wanted!

ruck up tomorrow


Monday, April 25, 2016

135 lb Military press,4x4 1x5, 32 kg belt squats , 50 rep floor pushup,crawls, side delts

This was hard. The workout goal was originally 5 sets of 4 but I had it in the back of my mind I might actually attempt 5 x 5 and get it out of the way. Lol, well it was not to be. I felt very fine physically coming in and my mind was actually solid as well but I was just tired

Plus I was hungry and I did the workout, as usual, in a fasted state. I felt strong but sluggish and sluggish for this workload was not going to cut it

Took my time warming up and the shoulder felt good. Glenn triggered pointed my left teres major which seems to be the culprit. Worked great.
Weight didn't feel heavy in the rack I just didn't have much oomp

Went for five on the first set , made four, but didn't lay back enough for the 5th and it got forward and that was that.
I also realized I couldn't do 5x5 without adding another set and I knew I didn't have that in me.

Back off next week to 105 for 6 sets of 6 and build some more base. No doubt I will get this, just a matter of when
Also being tired I didn't keep my lower body as tight either and that didn't help

Mil Press
stick x 5 x 2
bar x 5 x2
65 x 5
75 x 3
95  x 3
115 x 2
125 x 2
135 x 4
       x 5 PR!!
       x 4 x 3 PR!
I thought about doing five on each set but no gas in the tank by then . The last rep on the 5th set was a true 100% max effort

Belt squat

 this was tough and easy at the same time. Tough because it was my third day in a row on legs and they were tired and TIGHT
The smaller 32 kg bell makes me go much lower than the other bells,especially when standing on plates. it took me a few reps of each set just to get the bell to pause on the floor! but man what a leg pump!

Floor pushups
1 x 50 PR!!!

I also had it in mind to do a max rep set today and the number in the back of my mind was fifty. I've done 40 continuous before but not after 5 x 4 with 135 in the press and going to tricep failure :)
But, why not. It was peak week so , give it go. What's the worst that can happen? I don't make it?
No worries as long as I don't get hurt.

It wasn't too bad. I had a few shoulder clunks after 40 so I was hesitant to push the last 5 but it came out ok. Haven't "clunked ' in forever and it always aches the next day. But this was a peak. Won't do this again for quite awhile but it is a great accomplishment and I'm proud.

Especially since I can vividly recall not being able to do a single pushup at all and starting back with on my knees pushups doing 3-4 negative only reps for a few sets. And now this! Awesome.

3 sets of 60 feet fast!

Side delts
3 sets of 12 with 15lbs

BW 161.6
BF 12.5
W 56.6

pretty dead now but happy

ok day off tomorrow for roll and stretchout then snatch vo2 on Wednesday. Back to the future!


Sunday, April 24, 2016

Fast and loose Ruck

A surprisingly strong ruck today. After the beating my legs yesterday on the swings ( the legs were what was giving out at the end , not my back :) ) I thought they would be heavier and leaden but they were not at all. Pretty loose right from the start, even my calves. Then they got better and the whole walk was very steady
 As usual the last 3 laps were the hardest but the speed had picked up and maintained well. Lungs and wind were fine

50 lb Ruck
12 laps
10 iso squats
5th lap 8:08
9th lap 7:57
12th lap 7:52

really found a groove and my pace. and the ruck felt light. Now, if I can bring this mojo tomorrow for my presses :)
But remember not to be greedy, too


Saturday, April 23, 2016

48 kg One Arm Swings 200 reps 2nd time, hack squats, Sandbag pushups, side delts, db curls

There is nothing I like better and hate more, than challenging myself physically. I've basically done this all my life ( since age 14) and it's become part of who I am. Even when I really couldn't do much at all during my "rehab years" when if I just pushed on the gas even a little something broke, I still tried to push myself in my rehab.
It's just my nature.
And now that I can actually push on the gas a bit every now and then it's a blast but it still nuts me up a bit when it's " go time".
I know exactly how hard this is going to be, how much it will suck and that I have absolutely no reason to not do it except my fear. Which is no reason at all.
In fact, that is exactly what this is all about, facing my fear and my weakness and beating the shit out of them.
Time and time again.
Because the little bastards keep trying to creep back in and there's no real way to keep them out than to keep defeating them.
Another reason I love the swing so much is that it is so easy push yourself so hard yet it is about the safest way to brutalize yourself I know of.

The first three sets suck the most as I'm not warmed up, either muscularly or cardiovascularly yet and it just feels stinkin heavy and slow.
But, as on cue, the fourth sets feels the best and then it just gets better until set seven when I just get sticking tired.
Especially my legs, which is perfect. Because it could be my back that gets smoked and it's not.
That is very good.
Wind felt good today even though it was still stupid hard and my HR rarely got under 140 when it was time to go. Grip was ok after the first set.

One arm swings
16 kg x 5/5 x 2
20 kg x 5/5
24 kg x 5/5
28 kg x 5/5
32 kg x 4/4
36 kg x 4/4
40 kg x 4/4
48 kg x 10/10 x 10
200 reps
21,100 lbs
under 40 minutes!

Barbell hacks
75 x 10
95 x 10 x 3
Superset with kickstand squats
3 sets of 8/8

LOVE these HAVE to keep them in

legs are TIRED!!

Sandbag pushups ( 32 lbs)
4 sets of 12

strong, shoulder is great

Side delts
3 sets of 10 with 15's
db curls
3 sets of 10 with 15's

BW 162.4
BF 11.5
W 57.1

ok VERY happy with this workout!Getting stronger each time out although much easier. that will come

big ruck tomorrow and a lot of relaxing to do today


Thursday, April 21, 2016

Work Ruck

Just another day at the office. Time to ruck so I rucked,even though I was tired and hungry.It's interesting that the day after the 10 min swing sessions seems to tire out my legs much more than even the 20 min sessions.
I think I just go harder each rep these days. It's definitely a trend. that's good though really as the goal is to be able to go full out each rep of each set for the whole 20 sets.Getting there

40 lb ruck
6 laps
56 minutes
3rd lap 8:21 ( felt faster)

took me almost three laps for my calves and legs to loosen up. Nice day though, overcast and cooler. Day off tomorrow to prepare for BeastSaturday :)

BW 161.6
BF 11.7
W 56.6


Wednesday, April 20, 2016

24 kg Speed Swings 10 min, 16 kg KB snatches( reps), sandbag walking lunges, parallel pushups, rear delts

Solid day too. Getting to be summer again and it's heat shape time too. The transition though is not fun.

Speed swings
24 kg
10 minutes
200 reps
10,600 lbs

This was nothing. Almost no stress at all and seemed So short. Good thing as saturday's 200 reps with the beast will not be either.But it's cool how well adapted I've gotten to ten minutes of hard steady power work. This used to scare the shit out of me

16 kg x 10/10
          x 12/12
          x 14/14
          x 15/15

just playing around with all the variables; breathing weight shift, pace ,head position , etc
One great thing about high reps, they WILL sort out your form and breathing in short order.
next week will work up to 24 kg for the strength then back off to 16 for reps shooting for 30/30

Forgot to try half snatch! Have to remember to play with that next week

Sandbag walking lunges
3 sets of 20 steps and farmers carry back right side only

these were the strongest ever! surprised there

Parallel bar pushups
3 sets of 20

upper body surprisingly tired

rear delts
3 sets of 12 with 15 lbs

ok ruck up in the heat tomorrow


Monday, April 18, 2016

135 lb Military press 5x3 pr, 16 kg jerks,48 kg belt squat,floor pushups, crawls, side delts

This went GREAT! After Glenn put his thumb of death into my teres major and got my shoulder to release this was actually pretty easy! Most of the problem has been wondering if the  shoulder was going to move around as I unracked it. which takes TONS of focus off just moving the damn weight

But it seemed to do the trick and I could put all my focus on the press. Plus I figured out and used some very important technique tricks

First: lean back first, then press. after I set my feet  arch and lay back and then press. Don't try to press and lean back simultaneously
Second. reset the arch after each rep. It just takes a sec and puts me in a much better position
Third Keep my freaking glutes tight ,tight and tighter. Makes HUGE difference with a seriously stable base as opposed to a loose one.

Mil Press
stick  x 5 x 2
bar x 5
65 x 5
85 x 3
105 x 3
120 x 1
135 x 3 x 5 sets PR!!

strong I could have done 5 sets of 4 no problem. It IS possible I am just two weeks off 135 x 5 x 5 but it's probably closer to 4

One KB Jerks
3 sets of 8/8 with 16 kg.
Left side was actually decent. right side took a lot more but I could almost do it right at the end! Lots of moving parts to learn but I've been wanting to do this move since 2001 and the beginning of RKC !!!
SO much easier to do it with two knees that actually bend

48 kg Belt squats
4 sets of 12

legs were toasty after this weekend. still standing on ten pound plates

Floor pushups
3 sets of 26
1 set of 20
good triceps pump too. these are solid

3 sets of 50 feet and HOT pavement , lol

Side delts
3 x 15 with 12 lbs

another KEY move I neglected forever



Sunday, April 17, 2016

Moving meditation Ruck

Tracy was out of town this morning so it was solo ruck time. While I love to hike with her being totally alone is cool too. It's easier to slip into mushin and let myself be enclosed by the steps, the breath and the environment.

Felt fine after yesterday's snatches although the sacrum felt it had been worked. Not bad but not good either. All that work with single leg drive in the snatch but some torque on it. We'll see if it stays or not.

Right now it looks like we're going to alternate speed swing days with snatch practice days. Long term goal would be to be able to do 50/50 with the 20 kg with whatever technique or hybrid technique works for me

I also am going to explore the single kb jerk as well. For some reason ( probably all that layback press work ) it seems to have shown up. I've been waiting for you for a LONG time :)

50 lbs
12 laps
10 iso squats
5th lap 8:22 ( thought it was faster than that)
9th lap 8:04
12th lap : 7:58
1:53 min ??

that's weird. slow times but overall faster. doesn't matter. back felt good, legs felt loose and strong ,
 pace picked up and mind cleared well as the laps fell down.
BW 162
BF 11.7
W 56.9

thats weird. better than expected although I did contain eating to an 8 hr window yesterday and had very little carbs.

okbig press tomorrow at least 5 x 3 with 135


Saturday, April 16, 2016

44 kg One arm swing ( deload) kb snatches,barbell hacks,sandbag pushups. rear delts, curls

Weird workout. Left bicep tendon slipped out this morning sitting at the computer and was never in the right place through the whole workout. Spent the time after getting after it and it's unlocked now but it was weird, usually I can get that set more quickly.
 Straight arm scap ring work, scap slides with the stick against the rack ( so glad to get that back in the gym), pec and lat release and it's normal now but it took a lot of concentration for the workout.

One arm Swings
16 kg x 5/5 x 2
20 kg x 5/5
24 kg x 5/5
28 kg x 5/5
32 kg x 5/5
36 kg x 5/5
40 kg x 3/3

44 kg x 5/5 x 10
100 reps
8800 lbs

power was ok but not what I wanted because of the shoulder. groove felt good overall.

KB Snatch

First time in forever. Felt pretty good. Overhead position better than expected and the bells felt VERY light. endurance not too bad
Kind of a hybrid HS/ GS technique. Playing around
working on a HS drop but close to the body laying back a little.
Pushing off the non working side leg and letting the working side foot 'pedal ' or come up on the toes. It's very natural, much like a gait pattern and not hard to implement. Helps a lot too.
Also tried to  pull back from the shoulder/upper back out of the  bottom position.
Not a bad start but lots more to work on.
We'll see how this goes after 200 beast swings, though.
Plan is 3 sets up in weight for sets of 10/10 then a high rep down set

Barbell hacks
95 x 10
115 x 8
125 x 6 x 2

doing these in the rack is much easier. Not using the plate under my oly shoe with this and think I'll go back to it

Horiz Pushups 32 lb sandbag
bw x 10 testing shoulder
32 lb x 10, 12, 12

rear delts
3 sets of 12 with 15 lbs

db curls
3 sets of 8 with 20 lbs

ok not bad considering.

big ruck tomorrow but good news it will be dry!


Thursday, April 14, 2016

Another one bites the Ruck

Lol that was what Tracy said after we finished today's ruck and it was perfect. Strong today again. Almost unusually so.
Legs felt solid after yesterdays work and back was good, too.
extra long fast today, extended it to 10 am and it was fine. want to try to do this daily now. I stop eating at 7 am so 10 am makes it a 15 hr fast, perfect. Then a large handful of almonds then train then first real meal at 3 so that's almost 19 hours of fasting!
Not bad.
On days I don't train I'll eat earlier at 1 or so it's a little less but still 17 hours.
then a keto meal to keep it going.
working well

42 lb ruck
6 laps
60 min
3rd lap 8;20
6th lap 8:08

solid hour of bodymaintenance this morning. always feels so good to have enough time first thing to do it right. always feels better

ok  restup tomorrow


Wednesday, April 13, 2016

24 kg Speed Swings 17 min,walking lunges, parallel bar pushups , side delts, curls

Very interesting workout. Was feeling generally fine but still recovering from the five minute test on Saturday and the heavy presses on Monday. But I felt strong. Just a bit tired.
Kind of knew it would be tough but not worried about it at all for some reason

And there was no need to be as it was perhaps the easiest 17 minutes ever. Not the most powerful, but the easiest. I had a lower gear I could use for the first time and it was solid. Like running 8:15 minute miles instead of your normal 8:00. It was slower but steady and I went the distance strongly.

Didn't look up until 10 minutes in and it was no worries.
Did some double breathing but found I really didn't need it and it made things harder so I stopped til the last 5 minutes or so, when I actually needed it.

When I was training to race bikes there was a point where everything up to 100 miles in a ride was very tough. Then, after we did 120 mile ride over to Pescadero and back I crossed that mythical 100 mile mark and everything changed. Nothing up to 100 miles was that tough ever again. My mind had shifted and so went my body. Of course it was hard but something was different

Today felt like that for the swings. Something shifted and we got to another level

Speed swings
24 kg
15;15 x 10 reps
17 min
34 sets
340 reps
18,020  lbs 9 tons

Walking lunges BW
3 laps of 40 steps

same thing here. another level. a calm

Parallel pushups
 3 sets of 25
last set pretty pumped and tired

side delts/ db curls
3 sets of 15, 12 12 and 10's with 15 lbs dbs


ok ruck  up tomorrow

BW 163
BF 12.1
W 56.6
pretty consistent last few days


Monday, April 11, 2016

135 lb Military press PR, KB jerks,44 kg belt squat,floor pushups PR,crawls, rear delts

Crazy good session. Outside of my left bicep tendon not wanting to stay in place it was a fantastic press workout
Would have been happy with five singles. I got four double and a triple! Felt light AND I got the plates on the bar again!!!
Next week five triples no problem
Big jumps on warmup too.
Not putting or keeping that left elbow in the right place though, still have to get that  better.

Military press
stick x 5 x 2
bar x 5 x 2
65 x 5
95 x 3 ( big jump)
115 x 2
135 x 2 x 4 sets
       x  3 PR!!!

One KB jerks
3 sets of 8/8 with 16 kg bell
just playing around but it was cool! I could actually do the jerk motion correctly for once! this might have some potential

Belt squats
4 sets of 10 with 44 kg
legs still cooked

Floor pushups
 4 sets of 25 PR tie!!
this was very strong especially after the presses

3 sets of 50 feet fast

now I'm tired

Rear delts
3 sets of 15 with 15 lbs
 these are definitely developing after so many years of neglect

ok off tomorrow and much roll and stretch and recover


Sunday, April 10, 2016

Legs that never quit, ruck

But they wanted to this morning :)

LOTS of rain left the track seriously muddy and my legs were seriously toasty from yesterday. That's a very good thing- no back or shoulder or hip issues at all , but my legs were tired. and the muck didn't help but I got it done

Nice to ruck in the rain, too- not too heavy but clean crisp air and a sweet breeze. Love it

Just one of those rucks you just git done.

Felt much better at the end

50 lb ruck
12 laps
11 iso squats
8 lap= 8:15
11th lap= 7:54

legs are beat! lots of rolling and stretching out.

ok looking for real plates on the bar for presses tomorrow, 135 lbs. time to build the sets, reps then weight to the end goal
We'll see if I have anything left tomorrow

BW 163.6
BF 12.3


Saturday, April 09, 2016

40 kg Five Minute Swing test : Accomplished!

This is great! I was more than a little nervous about doing this. My back had gotten tight the last two days ( mostly psychological I'm sure) and I have never done this in sets of 10 per arm- the last two times I only did 5 per arm and transferred to get my 10 reps
So that was an unknown.
Then, there was just having to freakin' do it, and TAPE it. I had told people I was going to do it now it was put up or shut up time.  And the chance of failure, or at least a poor performance was real. Then, I would have to re evaluate the whole program! Wasn't excited about that prospect.

So, there was little more than to just show up and go for it! A perfect opportunity to practice action without regard to outcome. Show up and do your best.

Luckily it turned out well :)

One arm Swing Test warmup
16 kg x 5/5 x 2
20 kg x 5/5
24 kg x 5/5
28 kg x 4/4
32 kg x 4/4
36 kg x 4/4
40 kg x 4/4

40 kg x 100 reps in Five minutes
10 reps every 15 second PR!!

16 kg x 7/7
         x 10/10
20 kg x 7/7 x 2
24 kg x 7/7 !
16 kg x 10/10

these went great! haven't snatched in forever but the overhead felt really good. Played around with techniques, especially trying to do some GS- side shifting, pedaling, just fooling around. If I want to really learn that I have to start ALL the way at the start with the swings ,etc. Probably not.
Back to snatch vo2 on Wednesday though.

Hack squats
85 x 10
105 x 10
115 x 8 x 2 sets

did these out of the cage using an oly bar and it was way better

Horiz Pushup 32 lb sandbag
3 sets of 12

Side delts
3 sets of 10 with 20 lbs
stronger still!!

ok great great day!!
Long wet ruck tomorrow

BW 163
BF 12.1%
W 56.7


Friday, April 08, 2016

Thursday Ruck

Strong one today. In a rush so I got out of the car and right into the ruck. No problem. Weather's turning hot so we're getting ready for the summer shape.

42 lb ruck
6 laps
60 min
3rd lap= 8;10
6th lap= 8:00

BW 164!!
BF 11.7%
W 57.2

ok day off tomorrow to get ready for the 40 kg test on Saturday. Lots of mental prep to do


Wednesday, April 06, 2016

24 kg Speed swings 12 min, 35 lb walking lunges,parallel pushups,rear delts

Really used this as mental prep for saturday's 40 kg test. Watched the clock this time making sure to gauge effort and pacing as I though about it being  Saturday. Can't believe how fast five minutes were over; I'm sure it won't be so easy on Sat but it's just not that long anymore.
Pleased with the effort today, it was strong and I could keep power up very well the entire time.
Body parts all felt good.
Had a solid hour  of bodymaintenance this morning and it was easy. Almost nothing to work on which is freaky in itself, Don't think I ever though it would get to this. thanks G-d for my new knee.
Got all the tissue soft though and worked especially on the TRX scapula ROM really really really love that. making the biggest difference in my shoulder overhead position in eons.
Finally seeing progress.

Speed Swings
24 kg
12 min
240 reps
12, 720 lbs
RPE 7  ( rate of perceived exertion )  going to add this in from now on

it was the first hot day all year so summers's coming and heat shape is right behind. It's never fun but you're really not in shape until you are in heat shape

Walking lunges 35 lb sandbag
Increased the sandbag weight 5 lbs and MAN! it was noticeably tougher, Did them on concrete instead of the grass again but I'll go back next week. I tagged my kneecap trying to get full ROM on the lunge and it doesn't feel good. It inhibits me now so I'll go back to the grass

It'll take awhile to get this weight strong. but it was time

Parallel bar pushups
3 sets of 25
1 set of 20

hard but strong

rear delts
3 x 15 with 15
these feel great

ok short ruck tomorrow

Monday, April 04, 2016

105 lb Mil Press ( deload) ,shield cast, 40 kg belt squat, floor pushups, crawls, side delts

This was a smart idea. Had to deload even though I am itching to get those plates on the bar. Probably won't be so much once I do but for now....
Switched out the Texas power bar for the York Olympic bar that is 40+ years old and I haven't touched in years. But it's better for the press being slightly more springy than the squat bar but with the paltry weight I am using probably won't notice it.
But it's York bar nonetheless and it's more cool to me right now so it stays.
Worked fine, too

Mil Press
stick x 5 x 2
bar x 5
65 x 5
85 x 5
105 x 5 x 5 ( great warm-up jumps )

also adjusted my hand position on the bar. I was creating some torque in the hand ala Mark Rippetoe and I think that's what's been tweaking my left shoulder a but as I get under the bar. I realized that that slight intern rotation of the hand creates a just a bit of that on the start so I switched
Set up with a false grip, then just wrap the thumbs.
Not one tweak all workout.
I think we have a winner. Puts my elbows more directly under the wrists too

One Clubbell shield cast
10 lbs x 8/8
15 x 8/8 x 2

not going to keep these in. Neither wrist nor elbow said yes so they go/

40 kg belt squat
 40 kg x

deep and strong and fast pace. worked to keep my glottis open and breathe as much as possible.

Floor pushups
3 sets of 25
1 set of 20

last set was 85 % effort . not bad after all that pressing and tri work with the clubs

3 sets of 60 ft FAST

these are really coming along! time to add a 4th set. Almost did it today but got lazy :)

Side delts
12 lbs  x 20, 20 15
burn baby burn

SO happy I can do this move again. It's really balancing out the shoulder joint stabilizers

ok off tomorrow

Heavy and Strong Ruck

Yesterday's ruck was solid. Continuing on with Saturday's strong performance the ruck started off strong and stayed that way. Not that fast, all things considered, but a very steady pace.

50 lb Ruck
12 laps
2 hours
11 isometric squats
6th lap = 8:10
11th lap = 7:54

all parts held up fine. back started to get tired on lap 11 but overall no worries


Saturday, April 02, 2016

36 kg One Arm Swings, 200 reps,Hack squats, sandbag pushups, db curls, db rear delts

Strong day today. Slept well and everything felt good and ready to go. Warmed up quickly and the workload was not a problem. Wind , grip and power were all good. As well as recovery between sets.
Next week is the 40 kg five minute test so that should be interesting. Last time I tried it I only got 95 reps. That was before we started doing this speed swing Vo2 work so it should be much better than before.
But, last time I couldn't even do sets of 10 with one arm, I just did 5/5 to get my 10 reps per 15 seconds and I didn't time anything.I wasn't ready to- hence the 5 reps short of goal

One arm swings
16 kg x 5/5 x 2
20 kg x 5/5
24 kg x 4/4
28 kg x 4/4
32 kg x 4/4
36 kg x 10/10 x 10 sets
200 reps
15,800 lbs

hack squats
55 x 10
75 x 10
95 x 10
115 x 10
strong too

Sandbag pushups
2 x 15
2 x 12

triceps got tired quickly

Db curls
3 sets of 8 with 20 lbs

rear delts
3 sets 12 with 15 lbs

very solid

BW 162.4
BF 12.1%
W 56.6

ruck up tomorrow


Five mile ruck

 It went well but I was so close ( 9 laps = 4.7 miles it seems) that I tacked on a longer walk home to get to five slow start again 35 lb ru...