Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Snatch Vo2 50 sets of 7, Walking lunges, Horiz Pushups,leopard crawls

This should have been easier. I was rested, hydrated, stretched out, etc., etc. but it was tough! I've done this and more many times on my own but training solo today was extra tough. got it done but it was not anything close to fun, and, towards the end I was making more noise than a mule being dragged up a hill it did not want to climb :)

I am very very happy though with my overhead positions on both the left and especially the right, arm. The oly shoe heels is definitely making a difference and it will stay. I am going to do my Saturday swing workout in them as well as see how that goes.

I ignored the instinct to wear them years ago in my squat. I won't make that mistake again. I do need, and want to do barefoot training but there are other opportunities for that. These moves are as much about performance as they are just corrective isolated strengthening.

Really working on my heel to glute on my left knee and it is finally making progress again. Close to 2 inches away where as a month ago it was 4 or so. Just more time in the couch stretch and more single leg rocking as well/

Snatch vo2
15:15 ( on the clock)
50 sets of 7
350 snatches
 12,600 lbs
16 kg

Actually I was beginning to doubt whether I would ever reclaim this overhead position again but the last two workouts have made me believe again.
Strangely enough I did some Z health work with Jordan Vezina two weeks ago and it seems to have made a big difference.
Leg hip circles. who knew? lol

sets in the 30+ range

I actually didn't want any more video as I was suffering pretty bad and knew it was just going to get worse :)
focused a lot of really pushing DOWN through the floor AS I punched up into the snatch. I have to keep the quads tight or I lean back too much at the end.

walking lunges
4 laps of 40 steps

ouch. this was tough too. HR never really came down

Horizontal bar pushups
10, 9, 9, 9

shoulders were pooped!

Leopard Crawls

3 sets of 60 feet- barely. stick a fork in me, I'm done.

 Glad that is over! Next week I will be in England for a BodyMaintenance and lats workshop seminar so all this work has peaked at precisely the right time. Take a down week and start the re build over
80 sets of 8 seems like a Galaxy away but I will keep chipping at it! 50 sets of 8 that is. 80 sets - never again!


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175 x 1 x 5, 185 x 1 x 5 ( layback style) 16 kg five mine 15:15 swing test 100 reps

 This took a few warmup sets ( and almost tweaking my tricep again with  95!) but I think it went well over I just have to 'THINK RIGHT...