Wednesday, April 30, 2014

24 kg snatches and overhead mobility breakthrough.

The thing that has driven me the most crazy about my loss of overhead ROM over the last two years is not knowing where it came from. There was no precipitating incident( that I knew of) that would result in my steady decline of overhead mobility.
Especially with all the my self myofascial release work, stretching, mobility and intent I was doing.

But I think I've figured it out. There WAS a precipitating incident I just didn't recognize it . Three years ago, almost to this day, I had a basal cell carcinoma taken out of my chest, basically directly over the sternum. Right smack dab in the middle of the front arm line ( according to Tom Myers Anatomy Trains).

It brought a thick keloid scar that has bugged me ever since and one THAT I NEVER WORKED ON AT ALL. No one told me to massage it or work any adhesions out and I didn't.
It wasn't until the other day when I was working on my TKR scar( as directed) that I thought about working on the chest one and MAN did it burn and sting! The exact indicator of laminated down scar tissue.
As i started working on it it dawned on me that this could be the incident that created the downward spiral of overhead tightness I've been experiencing.

And as I worked it for the last few days my shoulders have indeed responded very well. First off the  morning pain is all but gone AND my basic no weight overhead flexion became much improved virtually overnight!

and this is just a few days of scar work. crazy.
here's a good video on the technique and idea

today's snatch work was the kicker my overhead position was better than it has been in ages! and felt that way as well. certainly not perfect but definitely better and it was so much easier!

16 kg x 5/5 x 2
20 kg x 5/5
24 kg x 5/5 x 12 sets
120 reps
6360 lbs

not using the easy breathing really made it tougher on cardio as did the 90 degree heat. But no worries the power generated was worth it.
Think I going to use the 24 kg every week and just cycle the reps from sets of 5  to 6's then 7's and recycle. my form changes with the lighter bells and higher reps and I need to tailor this to the 24 . at least for now.

goblet squat
20 kg x 5 x 2
24 kg x 5 x2

BW lunges
 3 sets of 10, 12, 12

Shoulder sled pulls
90 lbs x 250 ft x 3 laps

MUCH harder and we were beat from the heat but it was  such a great feeling to finally understand where this restriction was coming from and what to do to defeat it. About freakin' time :)

never ever ever quit.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Jefferson DL, 2 KB front squat, belt squat and sled

It was a very long day yesterday. A great one but very long nonetheless and I was on fumes when I got to the bar today. Still wanted to practice the Jefferson DL and I'm glad I did.Lots of time spend in the squat position today and work and the groove keeps getting better and easier. but it also works the legs as well.
Not quite sure what to do with this lift so this was just a feel out session

Jefferson DL
135 x 1 x4
155 x 1 x 2
175 x 2 x 2
196 x 2 x 3
175 x 2 x 2
155 x 2 x 2

It reads like a lot of work for sketchy ( for my back) looking move but there was lots to try to figure out. foot position, hand position, grip, chest position, initiation forces ,etc.

But the great thing is that if felt uber easy and strong AND surprisingly square for as torqued as it looks :) the weight felt light off the ground and at lockout. This torque must counter MY torqued spine. We'll see, of course tomorrow morning but it already survived the nap and many potential new lifts don't make it that far.
Here's the rear view

and after watching Dave Dellanave's tutorial on it I don't think I am squatting down to the bar enough. I approached much more like my old DL hinge and I think with my new found squat prowess the squat approach will be better. I have to think of it as a leg move, not a deadlift.

I also think my rear leg has to turn out more and that I should use the mixed grip as my right hand kept wanting to inch out.I don't think the hands are going to end up equidistant from the knurling either. It is the quintessential aymmetrical lift it seems.
It will either kill me or cure me :)

I should give kb jeffersons a  more in depth look at well. Only the beginning.

2 kb front squat
2 16s x 5 x 3
2 20s x 3 x 3 sets

these felt good after I went wider and basically looked up as I descended. It helped the arch and for me not to lean in and hinge it instead of squatting. the weight felt light BUT my abs lit up FAST after the jefferson's. :)

Belt squat
32 kg x 12
          x 14
          x 16
          x 18

all touching the floor. even with the 32 I will have to stand on plates very soon. these felt great and it's  a LOT of leg work this day.Brings back good memories

sled pull
95 lbs x 250 ft x 4 laps

this was heavy and tough from the first lap. slowed the pace and went into a lower gear and I was fine. I actually hadn't felt like I had done much work today , which is the exact way I want to feel. that's the work capacity that all this heavy weight, high volume ballistic work builds..Finally getting into real shape.

nap time, I am beat


Sunday Ruck hike, de load

As I had my Son's wedding to go to early this morning I had to get up extra early and also cut back the total time for the hike itself. It's actually a perfect time to de load given I hit the lap and time Pr last week. Walked most the hike in the dark which was cool and spooky at the same time.
 30 lb ruck
7 laps
one hour 20 minutes

All systems were go after Saturday's Beast swing workout as well. Now that's a pr :)

Saturday, April 26, 2014

48 kg One arm swings, 48 kg Power swings, CB squats

Just glad I survived these, lol. My son is getting married tomorrow and I really didn't want to be nursing any tweak of any kind, but the workout had to get done. It turned out very well but I had to do some serious focused concentration to get it. No worries, that's the job

I didn't increase the number of sets or reps that I did last time I did these but I did transfer for the weight for all ten sets which is it's own pr. That's the hardest part for me; if I don't time the transfer right it's very easy to get pulled over. The 48 kg is 66% my 72 kg bodyweight so it's no joke.

One arm swings
16 kg x 5/5 x 3
24 kg x 5/5
28 kg x 5/5
32 kg x 5/5
40 kg x 4/4
48 kg x 5/5 x 10 sets
100 reps
10,600 lbs

Two hand power swings
48 kg x 5 x  5 sets

Clubbell shoulder park squats
2 10's x 15
2 15's x 15
2 20's x 20
35 lb single x 20
45 lb single x 20

these were ok but not hard enough. need a finisher for today. Next week, ring triceps extensions.

all in all very happy and I should be walking fine for Gabe's wedding :) I won't have time for the two hour ruck but I will get an hour plus, just have to get up earlier.


Wednesday, April 23, 2014

22 kg snatch, double front squat,reverse sled pull

tough one today. Felt great all day and did a lot of stretching both upper and lower body , bodyweight squatting ( as well as a few sets with an oly bar with bodyweight) and some handstands that I actually got to touch the wall !  that was exciting, at least I can still do a wall handstand, and, on the way to the wall. I held a few decent free standing seconds as well.

I finally figured out a good place to do them at work so I should be able to grease the groove with them regularly and see if this indeed stretches out the torso and shoulders.

But I felt tired going in and when I saw I had to do 11 sets of 8/8 to progress the 22 kg snatch it seemed like A LOT of FREAKIN'Snatches to do,lol. and it was. But it was just 'work' and we got it done

I just have to focus on 'easy breathing' and it keeps my heartrate much lower and I can more easily do the reps without gassing.As soon as I powerbreathe my HR shoots way up.

16 kg x 5/5/ x 2
20 kg x 5/5
22 kg x 8/8 x 11 sets
176 reps

and my shoulders were feeling SO good going in I didn't want to wreck it. so far so good but we'll see tomorrow. Overhead position looks better on film than it felt in the gym. I felt strong just not motivated, Just another day at the office and work that needed to get done.These are the workouts that count the most. The one's you just 'get done'.

Two kb front squat

these were easy weight, the 16's and I was just working on the groove and depth. Added in the olympic shoes and they felt good. will use them on Monday when this is the new Move of the Day.
 2 16's x 5 x 4 sets

Reverse sled drag
60 lbs x 100 feet x 3 laps

QUADS ON FIRE!! Wow, glad I lowered the weight, this was a torch on the quads and calves.  definitely stays in if I can walk tomorrow

a much need two days off coming before Beast swings on Saturday


Monday, April 21, 2014

Looks like it's going to be a leg day

Monday's session that is. Tried all kinds of variations on a theme instead of kb pressing and nothing worked.
Two clubbell swing overhead, one clubbell swing overhead, floor handstand, even barbell overhead press. nothing felt right.Not even snatch holds. I even tried some kb presses again with the 16 and it just isn't right anymore.
I settled on some close grip pushups to the horizontal parallel bar and that was easy BUT, it's really not progress able unless I want to build the reps and I don't. My shoulders won't like that that's for sure.
So I needed a center piece of today's routine, a theme and then I realized today just has to be a leg day. I will start with db kb front squats, which are certainly progress able but really work my arms and core more than my legs , then go to belt squats with the 32 kb for high reps which will definitely challenge my legs with lactic acid as well as my ROM.

I didn't want to focus on kb front squats before because I wanted something that will work legs more but this way I get it all. the skill and progress able strength of the front squat then the burn and pump of the belt squats then putting it together with the sled.
Will see how it goes next week but this is my best bet:

One arm swing
two hand swing
Clubbell shoulder park squats

KB front squat
belt squat
Ring or Floor KB tricep extensions

Goblet squat
Reverse sled

Belt squat
24 kg x 10
32 kg x 10
40 kg x 10 ( bell is hitting floor too soon!)
48 kg x 8 x 3
32 kg x 12
         x 20

either I have to stand on plates or the 32 kg is largest bell I can use to maximize depth.

pistols( supported)
3 sets of 3
actually not bad at all :)

Sled drag
92 lbs x 250 ft x 4 sets

strong and easy

also, full leg and upper body stretchout this morning including 15 on bike, up to level ten and back. very strong legs are feeling very solid no problem recovering from yesterday's hike


Saturday, April 19, 2014

40kg One arm swings , 65 kg two hand swings, 28 kg goblet squat

Really good one today. Woke up rested with nothing hurting. I knew it was going to be a strong one and it was.

30 minute stretchout, 100 ups, 50 RIPs, and floor work

One arm swings
16 kg x 5/5/ x2
20 kg x 5/5
24 kg x 5/5
32 kg x 4/4
40 kg x 6/6 x 8 sets
         x 12/12 pr
120 reps,
10,560 lbs

felt strong from the first rep of the first set which almost never happens. Grip has really come back strong from all this uber heavy one arm swings and I can feel it from the get.It's hard to swing a bell powerfully when you can just barely hold on to it.
Not a problem today.
And the last set of 12/12 was no issue either.

Two hand swing
40 kg x 8
44 kg x 8
48 kg x 8
52 kg x 8
65 kg x 8
         x 10 PR!

this was great and I much prefer this up the rack method after doing multiple sets of one weight with the one arms. Plus it lets me play with the bigger weight more often. This is what I will do.

Goblet squat
20 kg x 5
24 kg x 5
28 kg x 5 PR!

these were easy and the most stress was the arms not the legs so I will probably have to sub this out on Saturdays

CB barbarian squat
10lbs x 8
15lbs x 10 x 2

good but still too much arm/shoulder work. I might try double shoulder park squats, those might work.

Never quit.

tomorrow is hopefully a pr ruck walk, thinking about 11 laps if things feel good.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

20 kg snatch, globlet squats walking lunges

Well this was damn close to a miracle that I got this workout in. Slept for shit last night after my traps and shoulders woke me up at 10 pm for no discernible reason. It could have been the presses but it might also have been the heavier tradionally done laterals OR the hangs I did that morning.
Either way I had almost no sleep and couldn't get my traps and delt(s) to calm down.  Tracy dug into my traps and I worked the teres all day but it didn't release. I felt tons of tension in the flexor pollicus longus but didn't have the time to work it enough to release it.

By the time I got home today I could barely lift my right arm over my head at all but I was hoping the snatch would reset the shoulder and the musculature like it has done so many time. It took a few sets but it did :)

12 kg x 5/5 x 2
14 kg x 5/5 x 2
16 kg x 5/5
          x 10/10
18 kg x 10/10 x 4 sets
20 kg x 10/10 x 4 sets

the heavier I went the better it felt and the more the shoulder opened up For some reason both pecs were locked down tight last night as well. So weird but the overhead positioned, when arrived at via the snatch, for me, really counter balances it all.
Not a pr but good solid work and not too hard even considering I was fighting not just  the weight of the bell buy my own tightness

Goblet squats
4 x 5 with 20 kg

best ever, really starting to love this movement
legs feel great

Walking lunges , bodyweight ( with counter arm motion)
4 laps of 60 feet.

these went GREAT and adding in the arm motion made a huge difference. and the easiest I've ever lunged. knees were touching the ground  effortlessly.if I'm ok tomorrow these are in.

datsit. crazy good that I got this in. NOW I have to actually SLEEP tonight!


Monday, April 14, 2014

28 kg press, 32 kg belt squats, sled

Well just it goes to show you you can't pick the workouts that are going to shine. I thought today's presses would go easy. I slept great, got a solid shoulder stretchout, ate well was mentally ready and then; meh.

I got the reps alright but they weren't right. The bell felt heavy in the rack and there was no zip on the presses. I should have dropped to singles but I ground out  six sets instead, dropping to the 24 kg for some triples that weren't that great either( that was a sign).

Saturday's workout took more out of me than I thought even though I wasn't sore or achy at all. Just tired it seems.
'Just another brick for the foundation

KB press
16 kg x 5/5 x 2
20 kg x 3/3
24 kg x 2/2
28 kg x 2/2 x 5 sets
            1/1 x 1 ( first rep sucked so I stopped- spun out early)
24 kg x 3/3 x 2 sets

Belt squat
32 kg x 10
         x 12
         x 14
         x 20 !!! ALL reps the bell paused on the floor.solid flex at each lockout too. Nice!
on this set I also did a free squat ( no tug of war with glenn) and got it to pause as well. Definitely different groove but it's coming and I can see how the tug of war squats are helping to transfer  to the free ones( as well as ALL the bodyweight squats I do all day. Counted 60 today at work :)

Db laterals
12 lbs x 15
15 lbs x 10 x 3 sets

best these have felt. groove was solid and arms stayed in correct alignment and shoulders didn't hurt at all. heaviest yet.

sled pull
92 lbs x 250 x 4

VERY strong and powerful. could be time for more weight.

while not my strongest it was a solid day


Sunday, April 13, 2014

Sunday Ruck and three stance squats

Great walk today! A solid one hour 45 minutes and I finally was able to finish strongly, as opposed to just slogging in :) Legs still felt good at the end and neither ankle gave me any trouble. Lap speed started slow as usual- about 8:20 per lap, but the last three were right around the 8 minute mark and I wasn't trying to speed up, it just happened, as it should.

Each lap I did my squat stretches and narrowed the stances down to three: close stance for seiza, medium stance as for my front squat and a wide, horse stance  for that type of adductor/glute strength/stretch. All felt solid and my squat is at a new level as of the last few weeks.

Shoulders still holding up great  and the back is good as well. Didn't feel any residual from yesterday's workout which is the goal.

Back to building forward momentum :)


Saturday, April 12, 2014

32 kg one arm swings, 44 kg two hand swings, shoulder complex

Good day. This is a recent pr ( 200 reps, best ever is 400 back in 2008) and a solid one for me. No problem at all. Just another day at the office. Last month I did 160 in 8 sets, this was just two sets more.  Had plenty more in the tank. Shoulder was good  and got a 20 minute stretchout this morning pre workout. Everything's working correctly for a change.

one arm swings
16 kg x 5/5/ x 2
20 kg x 5/5
24 kg x 4/4
28 kg x 4/4
32 kg x 10/10 x 10
200 reps
14,00 lbs! Nice!

Two hand swings
44 kg x 5,6,7,8, 9, 10
45 swings
these were strong but I should have done more reps. no worries, always next week. Each was very fast and powerful so that was good.

Db rear delts
db thumb down lateral
4 sets of 15-12 with 12 lbers

easy peasy

and out. going to add in goblet squat on this day too next week . fast paced today with only Joe and me there, so that added another intensity component. Basically I go, you go speed. Random changes in rest are perfect. Just an organic process.


full ruck walk tomorrow at o dark thirty. can't wait :)

Wednesday, April 09, 2014

First running steps. 24 kg snatch, 24 kg goblet squat,farmers walks

What a day! Had a solid 1.5 hour break this AM and really put it to good use. full lower and upper body stretchout, mobility work and leg drills PLUS my first real "run" in 27 years! hahahaha, that's crazy to write much less think about.
I used to run A LOT. Twice a day, seven days a week for almost two years. I once ran 50 miles by myself just to see if I could and I did a marathon race 6 months after taking up running. I loved to run and even though I wasn't fast I could go forever. For that reason ultra marathon events appealed to me and I studied the sport and the people and their training methods intently.
One of my big influences was Marine ultra marathoner Frank Bozanich. This guy was not just a skinny marathoner but a muscular tough marine. that's what I wanted to be at the time . He did 100 mile runs like they were nothing and had a look of a fighter.
But the main thing was the incredible freedom of movement and travel running gave me. All I needed was some shoes and shorts and the world was my gym. I used to travel around town running and walking for quite awhile and would often run to and from friend's house to visit them.
They thought I was crazy when I told them how I got there and they were right. It was 1978/79 after all and running wasn't anywhere near as popular or common as it is now.
In fact most runners were thought of as very weird indeed.
But I weighed 135 and it wasn't easy to get dates at the time being short, skinny AND broke so I went back to bodybuilding. If I would have kept SOME running in the mix I would have fared much better down the line imo but bodybuilders didn't run and my obsessive perfectionism told me I couldn't  either so I didn't .
But I could.
Until one day I couldn't and I really knew, in my heart, what I was missing. Then I started to having dream where I was running and it was glorious. I could run effortlessly, strongly and forever and I also woke up feeling better until I looked down and put my weight on my knee and knew it was a dream I really wouldn't ever do in real life again.
Until today.

I've been doing the 100 ups for months every day and lately they turned into 100 up minor then major for another 50-100 steps and all of a suddent I could run in place! It was real running too
Then I found myself just, kinda, striding out as I walked down the length of the studio using the Pose method. I would just lean more and more as I walked and as I started to fall I let myself break out into a trot!
It was great and I knew I could  run more than 5-8 strides but I didn't want to be greedy and go too fast.
I had Curtis Cramblett of R.I.F. physical therapists check out my stride and he ok'd it as not too bad.

Then today after a full leg/ squat stretchout and mobs I did the above. That video was probably the third take and it was intoxicating. I really was afraid to really "do it" as I wasn't sure how the leg would hold up but I just wanted to keep going :)
My brain knows how to run that's for sure but I have to go slowly.

Really slowly as the implant is not going to like it in the long run but a little is fine.I have to get in some shallow water and practice my gait there, with no impact. That's coming but today was an amazing day.

But I can analyze my stride with the video and that is giving me tons of data already.


16 kg x 5/5 x 2
20 kg x 4/4
24 kg x 6/6 x 11 sets
132 reps
6996 lbs

these were tougher than expected. I was stiffer than expected from Monday's workout as well as the mornings running. But it warmed up well and by set five I was feeling the groove.I guess I hadn't spent enough time on opening up my upper body but it's ok

Goblet squat
16 kg x 5 x 2
20 kg x 5
24 kg x 5

WOW. these were deeper and easier than ever! Using starrets jump stretch band squats seems to have done something interesting to my squat depth I was lower easier than ever. Very fun

Farmers walks
2 24 kg x 200 feet x 4 laps

wow this was tough! concentrated on using a hook and not a deep grip as well as keeping the arms locked out completely the entire time.  I think this is a keeper. feels like even though it works the grip it will also help stretch out the biceps/forearms more.we'll see tomorrow.
so far the S hook teres release is doing the trick and the right shoulder is as pain free as it's been in 8 months.



you never know when you are going to have an epic day. :)

Rif the racewalker. another incarnation.

Monday, April 07, 2014

...and be ready to grab it when Grace lays it down in front of you.

Surprisingly great press day today ( the title could be a giveaway) even though I didn't realize I was pressing and not snatching until mid morning :) I wrote I had to prepare for a 24 kg snatch workout today, and was, until this AM when I realized I had to press and not snatch. Much relieved although I felt very recovered today any way.

My shoulders have been feeling as good as they have in years lately as I've been religious about releasing the teres major with the S hook device and that seems to do the trick. That, and the straight arm ring work have been magic.

I just lodge that ball in any various parts of the teres that light up and hold it there til they calm down. And then so does my shoulder.

But I was still surprised when my press warmups went great and when I got to the work weight, the 28 kg, I did doubles instead of singles and thought I could have done triples easily as well. BIG difference.
I had to rotate less to get under it,the elbow didn't spin out so early or so much and the overhead position on both arms was much better.
When you least expect it :)

But I grabbed it

KB Press
16 kg x 5/5 x 2
20 kg x 3/3
24 kg x 2/2 ( a sign)
28 kg x 2/2 x 5 sets
24 kg x 5/5 x 1 ( easy! could have done 8-10 each ! So weird.)

KB Cleans
32 kg x 3/3

haven't done this in years as well. getting tight with the weight before the press and feeling  zipped up is EVERYTHING in my press. I've only been feeling that full body connected tightness in the last few weeks. I took for granted all the strength I had gotten from 21 years of bodybuilding and powerlifting. It lasted a good long time after I stopped the barbell but it finally gave out the last two years.
It's finally started to come back again since I got my new knee! Just in freakin' time, too. It was close. :)

Belt squat
40 kg x 10
         x 12 x 3 ( each rep touched the floor and paused!)
this was crazy deep and strong as well! weighed 160.4 this morning, heaviest in a long time and bodyfat was the same as it's been. that left leg must be growing :)

DB laterals
4 sets of 12 with 12 lbs

these even felt easy and good. shoulders did this movement with the best mechanics in years. that's a sign

sled drag
92 lbs  250 ft x 4 laps

up on toes and leaning in. feel like I can run with it

Neverquit ( you just never know when things will turn around !)

Sunday, April 06, 2014

Sunday ruck; easy day

Didn't know exactly how this would go, given that I missed last weeks walk.Yesterday's work was tough but strong and I wasn't sure how that would effect today. Not to worry, everything went very well. Started off slow, as usual but the legs felt loose and relatively fast for about 3/4's of the walk.
Then my right ankle started saying hello, nothing serious but just a little wonky so I decided to do just nine laps instead of ten and that proved to be a good choice. Ankle is fine but I didn't want to push anything at all. I am more concerned about giving my feet and ankles time to adapt than my knee.

I haven't walked or conditioned my feet for beans for the last 25 years and the last thing I want it to tweak something there that prevents me from walking or hiking, so make haste slowly is the rule to live by. Small issues with small bones in the can turn into giant pains in the asses and I'm not taking that chance.

I walked 1 hour 35 minutes with the 30 lb pack. Got a solid stretchout first as well. the squat stretches went well also. Got deeper faster and easier than ever, in each stance as well.This is definitely the way to go for me. One rep strength did zippo for my leg functionality, size, endurance or useable day to day strength.

My legs were best ,most functional and most balanced when I was a bodybuilder doing tons and tons of reps and exercises , but even MORESO when I was an ultra athlete doing serious bike riding and climbing. Nothing built my legs and calves up better than that. Nothing before or since.They were functional pistons of power :)

datsit. heavy snatches tomorrow so got to prepare for that as well.


Saturday, April 05, 2014

Speed one arm swings/24 kg, two hand 40 kg swings

Good to be back in the harness :) Missing the workout last week was not fun but it had to be done and I hoped I wouldn't pay for it too much today and I didn't. Didn't hurt that today was speed day, light swings ( 24 kg) done for higher reps and sets.
Decided not to push the one arms to 12/12 or bump the sets up as I wanted to get 10 sets of 10 with the two  hand swing afterward. We have been doing just five and wanted to bump that volume up a bit.

One arm swings
16 kg x 5/5 x 2
20 kg x 5/5
24 kg x 10/10 x 10 sets
200 reps
10,600 lbs

these went great and the pace was very fast. just three of us and the pace was quicker than normal. each rep felt light, fast and strong! perfect. groove felt easy.

Two hand swings
40 kg x 10 x 8 sets
         x 5 x 2 sets

wanted all 10 but it started getting tough and I decide to play it safe. still have a big weight walk tomorrow.

I do think though that I am going to stay with this cycle instead of alternating two:
wk 1 24 kg one arms 32 kg two hand
wk 2 32 kg one arm 40 kg two hands
wk 3 40 kg one arms 48 kg two hands
wk 4 48 kg one arms 65 kg two hands

I might change my mind again but I like the symmetry here.

DB rear delt
DB thumb down laterals
10 lbs dbs x 4 sets of 12/12

these were perfect/
quick and dirty then time for breakfast!

can't wait for the hike tomorrow.

Wednesday, April 02, 2014

22kg snatch (pr), SLDL, Crawls

this went well. my teres stayed open, mostly, and my overhead position didn't hurt although I didn't have all the time I wanted/needed to prep the overhead position.

But the outcome was solid.
160 reps in sets of 8/8 with the 22 kg and it was easy peasy. My "breathe easy' technique for snatches continues to work. I don't need that much intra abdominal pressure to stabilize my back anymore so I don't need power breathing which keeps the heartrate lower and my endurance higher. I can't do anatomical breathing yet but it's coming. that's when high reps will be much much easier.

But I still won't go over 10 reps per side. I want to accelerated the bell as fast as possible as well as do the volume

16 kg x 5/5
20 kg x 4/4
22 kg x 8/8 x 10
160 reps (recent) pr
7840 lbs

I haven't done this many reps with this kind of weight in forever. It wasn't too long I was very happy with sets of 5/5 and 100 total reps with this :)

Single Leg deadlift ( SLDL) left side only
2 12 kgs x 6 x 4

this was interesting. definitely got better as I did more sets but it was a challenge. Need to do this asymmetrically as my right leg is already way to far ahead. this is good. I tried to alternate left leg lunges with this but it destabilized me too much.

stability ball pike up to hs
2 sets of 3

playing with this to prep for handstand work. very easy and solid. felt right

3 laps of 65 ft
1 x 100 ft
strong here too. fitness level is definitely up. recovery between sets very quick. After each lap rest in full squat position. getting deeper each day


Five mile ruck

 It went well but I was so close ( 9 laps = 4.7 miles it seems) that I tacked on a longer walk home to get to five slow start again 35 lb ru...