Saturday, March 02, 2013

198 22kg Snatches, goal achieved

Another PR day, this time with the 22 kg. We all got 200 reps( well 198) in sets of 9/9 completing another part of the cycle. Now, unfortunately  we have to bump the reps up to 10/10 and drop the sets down and start the climb back up to 200 in the new rep scheme.

I could have gone OCD and did two more reps but I did 8 more than necessary last week so I let it go :)) Good practice.

And it wasn't that hard, just tedious. Mentally I was more focused but again, it's easy to lose myself in all the sets and reps and just cruise too much. I miss fives :)) Much more Hardstyle and I miss that. Now, almost all the rep schemes are 'high' reps closing in on tens and fifteens so I think it's time to throw another work scheme in the mix and have 4 progressive weights instead of 3.

The guys can snatch the 28 and I will do one arm swings or high pulls. Don't want to snatch over the 24 again but fine with the heavier swings. AND, this segment will NOT progress in reps. Always 5's. The volume with wave but not the reps. Strength work.

The higher you climb the farther you see and what you see depends on where you stand. From this vantage point I can see the need for this heavier loading. I didn't need it before. Adapt or go backwards.

Got a very solid stretch in this am, time to really get back into it again. It's vital and I won't let it go backwards any more. It is nice to feel so good without having to mobilize, stretch and do SMR but it's critical. It ALLOWS the loading.

It really is the Primary training, not the loading..

One arm swing warmups 16 kg x 5/5 x 3

16 kg x 5/5 x 2
20 kg x 5/5
22kg x 9/9 x 11
198 reps
8712 lbs

chalked up the bell every set and no grip issues today. flow felt good, almost too methodical but that's what's necessary for lots of sets and reps. 24 kg snatches will go to 8/8 next week ( missing next saturday due to cert) but the week after it's on.

Very soon the 24kg will be for 10's and then I'll be ready. When 10 sets of 10/10 are no problem my base foundation work capacity will be where I want it. Don't need much more than that. Maintaining it will be plenty of good work

Snatch Goals : 200 reps in a few ways
20 kg  x 20/20 x 5 sets =200
22 kg x 15/15 x 7 sets 210 reps
24 kg x 10/10 x 5 sets = 200

I have a ways to go, thank goodness :)) that looks like a TON of work.

Two hand arm casts
25 x 10/10
35 x 10/10
     x 8/9 ( getting arm tired :))
45 x 5/5 ( ties PR guess not that tired )

Ring Pushups ( feet on box)
3 sets of 6

these were fine as far as shoulder stability but my upper body was cooked! Good enough.

Bodyblade laterals
1 x 10/10
Band laterals 
1 x10/10



Joe Sarti said...

That 10/10/10 with the 24kg is around the corner :) the extra week in the cycle is brilliant for the fellas and I...glad it's going to work for you.

I know it's a good day when there is little chatter or discussion on form, etc. little asking how does this look, etc. this too me tells me things are clicking for all of us. Today was no different, everyone looked solid and comfortable with the work, weight and technique.

Things are coming together and excited to see how this fourth week adds to things!

Great work today, you truly could have done the 10/10 x10 with the 24 today

Mark Reifkind said...

yea, we all seem to peaking together. nice. Just another day at the indication it wasn't that hard. just long. and that's good.

Joe Sarti said...

Well stated! Enjoying my time at the office!

175 x 1 x 10 chin press, 20 kg swings 4x5/5 24 kg swings 4 x 5/5 band pushdowns 3 x 15

 These went perfectly.Good thing too as I'm having trigger thumb surgery and won't be pressing bars for two weeks but it has to get ...