Tuesday, November 20, 2012

More double bell swings.

I'm starting to like these. Since I can now train the two hand swing it just seemed logical that I could do these as well. I've been moving my stance in on one arm swings and snatches for quite awhile now as it seems to compliment my one arm swing style but opening it up for the two hand swing and now the two kb swing has really brought me back to my powerlift roots.

It's actually much easier on the knees as my shins stay perfectly vertical the whole time. They literally can't go forward when I'm that wide. Glenn noticed it reminded him of barbell power good mornings we used to do for strengthening the back for squats and deads and I agree.

In fact when I first came to kbs from powerlifting I saw the same thing ,and the power good morning was my favorite move! The best parts of the squat without the worst( depth :))
So I took my stance out even more today for the swings and they were better.  much easier to find the hips.

6-7 am 
full rifga stretchout

1 pm
Two KB swings
2 14s x 10 x 2
2 16s x 10
2 20s x 10  x 10 sets
100 reps
8800 lbs ( that adds up fast)

these got tough at the end. Just not used to this groove at all but I really sat back and forced myself to not rush or force the groove. The torque technique I learned from Starrett has completely changed how I feel about squatting and how I squat or swing.
By really setting the torque in my feet from the start, the knees actually unlock and screw tight at the right places and the  knee is way more stable under load.
The hips are actually loaded correctly too and are more stable and strong at the same time.

Hip Belt squats
36 kg x 20 reps  x 4 sets

close stance here was a good balancer to the wide stance swings. these felt great. used a med tempo steady rhythm.

KB extensions on floor
18 kg x 10 x 4 sets

these are always hard, lol. but shoulder held up fine.

Bodyblade laterals
3 x 10/10



Unknown said...

Hi Rif,
I'm glad you mentioned your use of a wider stance with double KBs. I'm using double KB swings as part of an Easy Strength cycle and was getting slight "back twinges" when I was doing them. After reading your article I switched to a wider stance and Presto! I felt more solid, stronger, and no more back twinges.
Thanks, again, Rif.

guy said...

Happy Thanksgiving Boss!

Mark Reifkind said...


great to hear it helped. I don't have much of a choice being 5'5". Plus I was very strong wide in powerlifting.The wider you go the more you are forced to use the hips. good stuff and thanks for stopping by and commenting:))

Mark Reifkind said...

and to you as well Guy!

175 x 1 x 10 chin press, 20 kg swings 4x5/5 24 kg swings 4 x 5/5 band pushdowns 3 x 15

 These went perfectly.Good thing too as I'm having trigger thumb surgery and won't be pressing bars for two weeks but it has to get ...