Saturday, June 16, 2012

Snatch 5s

Missing last weeks snatch workout made todays' 24 kg work that much heavier, lol. Amazing how fleeting strength can be. I could do it, but it didn't feel easy. That's why I went to default five rep workout, my foundation, my base training. The number that always seems doable and strong.

Doing sets of 5/5, while easy cardiovascularly, is definitely not EASY, especially when done for multiple high sets. It just catches up with you after awhile, and, as Tracy says, it's harder to put it down and pick the bell up a lot than it is to just keep going.

That would be true for this weight except there isn't that much option to 'just keep going' ,lol. Perhaps double the reps but that's about all I want to do.

Left shoulder has been great all week and then it went out a bit this morning, moving a box around in the bathroom,lol. It was ok but it wasn't really sitting perfectly and my left side felt more tentative than it has in 2 weeks. No worries, it's right now. Just have to really spend the time stretching out the elbow flexors and it sets. but really? a stinking light box?

full rifga stretchout. have to get back to taking this more seriously again. Going in the right direction this week

8 am Snatch
16 kg x5/5 x2
20 kg x4/4
24 kg x 5/5 x 10 sets
         x5/5/5/5 x 1 sets
120 reps
6380 lbs

Definitely was some work. above video was from set five. Didn't really get 'warmed up and in my groove til set 8:))

Two hand swings
28kg x10
32 kg x10
36 kg x10
40 kg x10 x 2 sets

Glenn playing with the Bulldog. He really has found his lift here and says it reminds him of squatting! I feel the same way and it's so gratifying to watch him get stronger each week on this of so basic of all the kb swings and to be able to train it myself! finally!

Two hand CB Shield cast
25 lbs  x10/10 x 4 sets

these were the perfect ending. The 35lb'er was not on the menu today. Smart move.Bodyfat is way down and weight was 159 this am. Pretty happy with both right now.


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145-205-185 side and rear delts,band pushdowns, reverse band curls

 This went ok but actually thought it would go better. I thought I should be able to 1) stick at least one 205 and get two. I missed a bunch...