Tuesday, August 02, 2011

Back off Snatch Vo2

To me going to a cert is like going to a competition. I have to be at my best physically and mentally. And for me , three 15 hour days on my feet teaching,demo'ing testing and grading is a lot.Add in the travel and it's way more than I'm used to on a regular basis. And that's just a cert in the states. Traveling internationally is a whole lot more than that and one of things I am really bad at is sitting in one place for long hours.

So my fitness, endurance,mobility and flexibility and work capacity all have to be at their (recent) best when I get going and this cert is an exception to that in that it's two weekends back to back, which I've done before ( here in San Jose) but never in Europe.

My training and correctives have been going great of late with my strength, endurance,work capacity, mobility and pain levels at their recent bests in many many years. Still I get nervous before I big trip like this. Just like a comp. I NEVER not got nervous even though I competed very regularly for most of my life.

I'd be more nervous if I wasn't nervous. Nothing worse than being flat for a meet.

So after last week's peak of 50 sets of Max vo2 snatch training we planned on scaling it down to 40 with as many sets of 8 at the end that I thought were feasible and still stay on the easy end of training intensity.

AS per my usual belief that there is no worse indicator of a great workout than a good nights sleep and feeling good as you walk into the gym today was a good day. My lower back woke me up for the first time in eons at 12 midnight and I never really got back to sleep.It tool quite awhile to stretch it out this morning but it felt great as I got under the bell.

One of the best changes in my max vo2 snatch technique is really focusing on flipping the kb back into the descent as soon as possible after I hit the top position. The faster I throw it down the faster I come up and the better the pace is.Constant motion.

6-7 am stretchout
LOTS of two-three minute sets of downward dog as this opened up the hammies which opened up my lower back.Quads were tight too so lots of half kneeling stretches for right quad and box lunge stretch for left side.
Splits to all three sides as well and progressive squat downs from the middle split position.


Snatch Vo2
16 kg
35 sets of 7
5 sets of 8
385 snatches
10,260 lbs

these were way easier than expected. I didn't expect to even be able to snatch today and I was repping at an 8 rep pace and holding at the top for the rest of the count. Even HR was low'ish( 160's as opposed to 180+)

Capt America Arm casts
20 lbs x 16 x 2
25 x 16 x1

Shield casts
20 lbs x 10/10 x 3

Body blade laterals 3 x10/10

these were all good but I was tired and knew I shouldn't push things so I didn't. No 35 lber today but the reps were up . The laterals have not been in the mix much lately and I think that's a mistake. the medial head of the delt and the supraspinitus need the work and that may be why my left shoulder has been impinging more of late. we'll see.

ten minutes more stretchout and


off to Hungary and serious serious kettlebell training. what a life :))


Roland Denzel said...

Have a great trip!

Mark Reifkind said...

thanks man, I'm really looking forward to it!

175 x 1 x 5, 185 x 1 x 5 ( layback style) 16 kg five mine 15:15 swing test 100 reps

 This took a few warmup sets ( and almost tweaking my tricep again with  95!) but I think it went well over I just have to 'THINK RIGHT...