Sunday, November 02, 2008

Signing off.

If one does a workout and it isn't blogged, did it occur?

This will be my last post on this blog.My first blog post was on May 11, 2004.I was the first kettlebell athlete to blog and I probably was the first personal trainer as well. I have recorded every workout over the last 4 and a half years. This blog started out as an online version of my paper log book and it seemed like a good idea and it was. It evolved from just an online log of my training to a way to reach out and teach as well as discuss and analyze all kinds of things related to kettlebells, powerlifting, gymnastics and training in general.

But the time has come to move on. I will continue to swing, snatch and use kettlebells much as I have for the last 4.5 years but I no longer feel the need to record things online.Yoga has become a much bigger part of my training life and much of my future training and physical progressions will revolve around it.

Anyone interested in training consultations or information can contact me via my regular email.

It's been a wild ride these last four years and I don't expect the next four to be any less exciting. More in fact.And that's good.

Thanks to all who have read and commented and followed my journey via this blog.Your support has always been appreciated.

Good luck,great training and hope to see you at an RKC!

Rif out.


Take One Stripper Pole said...

This little corner of Bloggerville is going to be sorely missed. Hope you and Tracy have lots of fun adventures in yoga ... and see you at an RKC event soon!

Kit said...

I very much enjoyed reading your blog Rif. All the best to you in the future.


Taikei Matsushita said...

Rif, your posts are wisdom.
Any books coming out?

Chris said...

Rif - I've enjoyed reading this blog. Your honesty and enthusiasm have been inspiring and motivating. I have learned from you and learned about you and benefited from both.

Thanks for putting the hours into this over the years.

All the best for the future as you get your gymnast's body back.



Rannoch Donald said...


this means I will have to email you! I would hate to lose touch now you are offline!

Next time I am in California I will definitely try an hook up.

All the best


Jennifer said...

When I read Tracy's post, I thought I might click over here and read a similar thing. Please know that your contributions to our lives have not been taken lightly and you will be sorely missed.

Mike T Nelson said...

Best of luck to you in all your future work. I am sure I will see ya at an RKC event in the future.
Rock on
Mike N

Rob O'Brien said...


Thanks for your support, ideas and motivation. Good luck going forward!

I hope to see you at RKC II after I complete the RKC next year.


Ben and Amy Dau said...

As someone who has read your blog everyday for a long time, I just wanted to say thanks. You are a tremendous help for motivation and a prime example of what can be accomplished through consistant effort. Best of luck.

Dave J said...

I've enjoyed the opportunity to get to know you and your training pursuits on this blog. Thanks for taking the time to share your wisdom with the world! All the best!

dr. m.c. said...

all the best, rif. Have really appreciated the passion of your aches and pains and the softness of the solutions in swings and now stances.

Way to go on this decision. Cool to see an explicit closure.

Hope y'all will take yourselves out to dinner and celebrate the cycle, and this completion.

Way to go!


The Endos & Morenos said...

Best wishes Rif! You have given so much to the fitness world, and especially the RKC world.

You and Tracy have been a great source for inspiration and information! I, like so many, have gleaned many a gem from your writings and sharing.

Onward, and upward.
Power to you comrade!

Edmund Meinhardt said...

Thanks for everything, Rif. I'll miss you and Tracy a lot.

Gabi said...

Good luck to you both, Mark,

and thank you for all the insights, advice and inspiration. I'm gonna miss you posting and hope to see you again at some RKC event.

Aaron Friday said...

Mark, you created something special here. Thank you for the inspiration and insights, for which I will always be grateful.

fawn said...

You will be missed in the blogosphere... Aaron and I were inspired to start our blogs because of you and Tracy. I don't think I can thank you enough for all your words of wisdom. I will look for you every time you are in town.

Mark Reifkind said...

thank you all for the kind words and thoughts.It means a lot to me that people enjoyed and got some substance out of my training journey and musings.
I do plan on being more active on Dragondoor and the RKC Instructor forum as well as finally getting to work on the book the Chief Instructor has told me to write.
thank you all again :))

Howie B said...

Rif, thank you for inspiring me to buy my first kettlebell!

You are a true master and gentleman of sport.

Craig B. said...


Have a blast! I'll miss your blog, but you are a big part of what got me to try yoga. Thanks for that.


Unknown said...

Farewell sir! All good things and such! :) zzzzzzzzzz

Pete said...

Good luck Rif. It has been a true knowledge based journey reading your blog. Best wishes to you, and i will see you at an RKC in 2009.

dr. m.c. said...

Thank you, dude. we owe you

Franklin said...

Your training blog with its many words of wisdom was fundamental in getting me over a large number of physical and mental hurdles.

For this I will always be indebted to you for.

My warmest regards,

Anonymous said...

Hey Great Blog. If you would like to incorporate fitness videos single ones or related lists to support a topic of one of your posts or widgets for your side bar, please check out

Doug Nepodal Sr. RKC said...

Thank you for everything you have given us.

Franz Snideman said...

Wow! I guess I'm surprised by the post but hey, you know what you're doing and how to spend your time!

Thanks for encouraging me with your posts and for being a great example!

See you sometime soon!



Unknown said...

You are and have been an inspiration. I will miss reading your story. You're my Yoda.


4 Ranges, RKC said...

I'm gonna miss this. This was the "hub."

Then again, there were times where I was saying "ugh, you should be getting paid for this wisdom and info", lol!!

Great stuff, Coach Rif. :)

Joe Walker said...

Thanks for sharing your wisdom and providing us with immeasurable inspiration.

Jim Ryan said...

You definitely are a trendsetter and have much wisdom to share along with boatloads of inspiration. Godspeed on the book!

Best to you in all future endeavors - I'm sure we'll cross paths again...

Aaron Friday said...

Happy holidays and all that stuff. I hope you and Tracy are having a good time.

Unknown said...

I'm pretty surprised that you quit blogging... I thought you really liked it.

Cfnobrasil said...

HI Mark, i love your work!

And please, i like to request to you , write article about foam roller , specifically discuss about foam and soft tissue, and "vision" of Zhealth and Mike t Nelson

You and Mike, spoke alot in Mike blog , but i think fled the matter which was the principal FOAM roller

I want more your opinion about that,


and sorry my poor english

210 chin press Pr, rolling db extensions, laterals, rear delts rev bar curl

 This went well but those small jumps are interminable! Completely necessary but SO hard to say calm while doing; I feel like I'm wastin...