Monday, October 14, 2024

215 x 1 x 2! 205 x 1 x 2, laterals rear delts and front raises

 This went great except for my second  attempt miss ( lost the X on the drive) but CAME BACK AND MADE IT ON A THIRD ATTEMPT!

So happy and decent lockouts too

More cues





BW 174 right before training

Next week




Sunday Ruck

  A decent one. Steady and stronger at the end

45 lbs

9 laps

4.5 miles

10,260 steps

dark for the first 45 min. Time change soon tho

No plantar fascia issues either. Just gotta keep that soleus soft!


Saturday, October 12, 2024

40 kg swings 25 x 6, 30 min, 40 kg belt squats 3 x 10, pullaparts 3 x 30

 Stronger than expected. stomach woke me up at 12 midnight ( too much onions spinach and garlic I guess in my new/old stir fry lunch) but the workout was strong.

and fast. I was worried about going too fast ( only glenn and me ) but sixes are NOT tens lol

Much better. good power, height control. don't want to jinx myself but I've been feeling like my old self again ( pre oct 7) since thursday. I'll take it

maybe the torque worked it's way out through the legs. I think the new hanging, stick shrugs and ring work stretching first thing is making a difference   


Friday, October 11, 2024

Thursday ruck

 Got the plantar fascia to release finally. as before it was coming from a too tight soleus

I was going to just walk not ruck but it felt normal so I gave it a go and it was fine. went slowly just to be safe

45 lb ruck

6 laps

3 miles

56 min ( not too bad!)

no problem later than day or today ( friday)


Wednesday, October 09, 2024

195 x 1 x 6 185 x 1 x 4, 20 kg swings, 5x5x5, floor pushups 25,25

 This went great. Just outstanding. Everything went better than I  hoped. Even realized how to line up under the X EXACTLY  everytime ( duh, just don't roll the bar) The last four sets with 185 were all done this way and worked like a charm

Also, the tighter I keep the initital knee flex at the start actually the better pop I get. Too much  knee flex gets soggy 

As hopeful as I've been in the last 8 months about this move!

173.8  4 am

at Noon tho

10.9 BF !!!
60.2 hydration 

this is after  my bath but I haven't seen these numbers in forever! Nice.those are the goal numbers across the board

Monday, October 07, 2024

215 x 1!, 210 x 1 x 2, 205 x 1 x 2, laterals rear delts and front raises

 I got an overnight bad case of platarfascitis Saturday and all day  Sunday so much so that I didn't even do a walk much less a ruck!

Then the anterior tib on my left leg started acting up and I could barely stand up!


this is getting very very old
It's like a pin ball machine:from my leg thumb to my right  thumb to my left lat to my right levator/neck first rib then down to the calves and feet!!

Hopefully the twist is working it's way completely out of my body. Crazy though that those other tweaks were non existent when my feet were acting up

But I could press and I got most of the dorsiflexion back as well as the ankle mobility

I decided to continue 'feeding the mistakes' by accepting the knee dip just as I did the elbow flare. Don't try to accentuate it but stop trying to stop it

Worked great and it gave me the best 215 I've done in months PLUS  TWO 210 (  first one I worked the dip too much. fixed it on the second and much better. Plus two great 205s with solid lockouts!


Saturday, October 05, 2024

32 kg swings 20 x 10, 23 min, 36 kg belt squats 3 x 8, pullaparts 3 x 30, bulgarian spilt squats 3 x,8,6,6


I hoped the swing would re set it ( which it did) but it meant so so sleep in mild pain when moving, and , of course anxiety

But got up early and did tons of Body Maintenace and things just kept moving better

THEN to the workout.. 

Each set was hard and rest were on the minute.Fuck. HR was 140 at least everytime I checked it and it got higher for sure

Didn't puke but I  was breathing like a freight train, and coughing up a lung


But I  got it done and didn't die, but it was hard


Friday, October 04, 2024

Heat Ruck Epic

 I thought heat training was over for the summer. I was wrong. Summer's last gasp this week with temps in high 90's and 100's

But I was up for today's ruck and it was better than expected. Perfect way to end the cycle
95 deg
No cloud
No breeze
12:30 pm
45 lbs
3 miles
54 min
last half mile at 16 min mile pace
Cold shower right after was perfect.
Just being able to walk right again was a miracle.This was more than I could have hoped for

215 x 1 x 2! 205 x 1 x 2, laterals rear delts and front raises

 This went great except for my second  attempt miss ( lost the X on the drive) but CAME BACK AND MADE IT ON A THIRD ATTEMPT! So happy and de...