Sunday, April 30, 2017

Easing into the heat and intervals ruck

Starting to get warmer earlier now, telling me it's time to re set my brain for summer sweating rucks. The heat really tells  you when you are in true shape but it's never any fun getting there; and is the true mind training.

Good time to test out both my xoskin compression shorts and shirt. Usually I don't like 'knit' fabric for anything, but again, I was very surprised just how well these products worked to keep my cool and less sweaty for sure.
And the compression pants worked perfectly for the lower half; really just what I've been looking for and thinking about. Some decent support but not too much. the wicking and air cooling properties are a big plus, along with the no chafing. The fact it's 20% copper infused too can't be bad either as they were selling copper infused products for arthritis relief for many years.

I bought a Tommy Copper knee sleeve before my TKR just for that reason.

I also like stuff I can wear over and over again without it breaking down much. Rinse and wear is great,hopefully I get to travel again soon and test it out in that environment

50 lb Ruck
12 laps
11 iso squat stretches
4th lap 7:40
8th lap 7:12
12th lap 7:00

very happy with these times and even more happy that I felt strong enough to do them. It's been about 8 weeks from the 48 kg test then the cert and only now and I am feeling fully recovered. Adrenaline can really kick your ass for a long time after, especially, I guess, as you get older.

BW 165.2
BF 12.0
W 56.7

feel really good, lean and hard. something's shifted in the right direction

heavy presses tomorrow back to last weeks workout with 150 and do it proper. Focus point: easy rack support at start. have to get those delts stretched out early


Saturday, April 29, 2017

40 kg One Arm Swings 10 x 10/10, 24 kg snatch, hack squat, parallel bar pushup, rear laterals

Really great training today. Strong and feeling fit. Bell moved as well as ever and endurance was better than ever too.
Wore my new XOskin compression shorts and they really felt great. Just enough support to make me feel some hoop tension in the hips and upper legs but not tight at all. Perfect.Especially as it heats up. I want to wear them for rucking too so I ordered another pair.

A gear whore I am :) A minimalist one  but one nonetheless. I love stuff like this; functional on multi levels, easy to clean, able to use over and over again and takes the place of more than a few other pieces ( the minimalist aspect).

Switching back to swing Vo2 on Wednesdays seemed to really help this day. Grease the groove if you will. And this workout, 10 sets of 10/10 is horrible but necessary. It's just enough 'overwork" ( reps 8,9 and 10) to make me suffer a bit but not enough to go on too much into glycolytic toxicity.

We we cycle these
wk 1 40 kg 10 x 10/10 - 200 reps 17,600 lbs
wk 2 44 kg 10 x 8/8-  160 reps  15 520 lbs
wk 3 48 kg 13 x 6/6- 156 reps 16, 536 lbs
wk 4 52 kg 10 sets of  5/5 100 reps 11,500 lbs

I like how this looks. and swing vo2 on Wednesdays

One arm swings
16 kg x 5/5 x 2
20 kg x 5/5
24 kg x 5/5
28 kg x 4/4
32 kg x 4/4
40 kg x 10/10 x 10 sets
200 reps
17,600 lbs

Very strong and powerful. Best bell height ever. Wind was very strong and form didn't fall off almost at all, just the last 2 reps on the last two sets if at all
This workout is my base for swing training; the more weight I can use more often the better everything else will be. BUT I have to not use to too much or it will overtrain me fast, and my power will go down, not up.
I think this configuration is good for now.

16 kg x 5/5
20 lg x 5/5
24 kg x 5/5 x 2

these were hard after the swings  but a small amount was perfect. form was very solid.

85 x 8
115 x 8
135 x 6
145 x 6

solid but not easy. Legs were tight at start :)

bw x 12
32 lbs x 12 x 3

strongest in forever . every rep chest touched bars too.Another crucial exercise and workload

Rear laterals
3 sets of 12 with 20 lbs

strong too. finished workout with much in the tank

BW 165.6 !!
BF 10.9 ( bath)
W 57.7

ok we'll see how the ruck goes tomorrow.


Thursday, April 27, 2017

Hot ruck

 Tried out the XO Skin loose t shirt. I hesitated because it's black and today was a very warm day ( close to 80) but then I realized it was the perfect time to test it's wicking and cooling properties. It worked way better than expected,

Not only was I not hot but I sweated far less than usual. Very nice.And no chafing at all.
Ruck was strong. legs felt good after the first 30 minutes. As it's been all my endurance life it takes me at least 30 minutes to get my lungs open and my head clear. Then, literally it's a whole new game

Same thing today. the second 30 minutes was way easier

45lb ruck
60 min
6 laps

BW 165.8
BF 12.2
W 56.8


Wednesday, April 26, 2017

24 kg speed swings 12 min, walking lunges, parallel pushups,side laterals

Back to speed swing work today and man it is SO different than snatch vo2! That damn bell is way heavy compared to the 16! But the groove seems much more suited to my heavy day and this will improve that, and that has shown to work. I can keep doing snatches,slower and controlled on saturdays too

24 kg speed swings
12 min
240 reps
12,720 lbs work ( and the work load is way higher, too)

hard but not that bad. Can definitely feel that it's much harder "work" than the lighter snatches; more strength than speed oriented.

walking lunges
4 laps of 40 ft

getting used to 4 sets

parallel pushups
2 sets of 30
1 set of 25

big pump again

side raises
3 sets of 12 with 15s

BW 166.4
BF 12
W 56.8

short ruck tomorrow


Monday, April 24, 2017

Military Press PR 150 x 5 x 2, 2 x 1, 24 kg squat cleans, floor pushup, rear delts crawls

Man this was a tough one. Mainly cause I was more than just a little sore in the hands, fingers, forearms and shoulders from Mike Castro's and my kettlebell partner passing session yesterday. I didn't do much but I didn't NEED to do anything. After 100 one arms with the 52 kg my arms needed rest, not more kb anything!

Got plenty of bodymaintenance in today but I was still pretty sore at the start of the workout and was wanting to take 150 out for a ride. Had no idea how it would go.

It ended up ok but i could have done better fresh.

Military press
stick x 5
bar x 5
65 x 5
85 x 3
105 x 2
125 x 2
140 x 1
150 x 2 x 3 sets
       x 1 x 2 sets
       x 2 x 2 sets

the two missed doubles were because my biceps tendon was not behaving and I didn't push it. Once it got the set the reps weren't that bad and was actually thinking of threes but definitely not the day. this was pushing things enough
Plus my training partner was out and this was tough solo, mentally. But just another challenge to overcome.
I've always said, if you can't train alone you can't train at all

end of day this is 94 % of my old single 160 lbs. very happy with that and the good one's moved very well

Squat cleans
was going to skip this and do belt squats as my arms were cooked but I really love this move so I went lighter instead. great idea. My new favorite movement for sure
20 kg x 5/5
24 kg x 3 x 5 sets
easy and didn't push my arms/shoulders. great stretch in the bottom of the squat for the legs too

Floor pushups
2 sets of 35
1 set of 30

better than last week

Rear laterals
3 sets of 15 with 20 lbs
strong this is such a key move for shoulder strength balance

3 sets of 70 ft

hard today. just tired. time to back off all around next week

BW 167
BF 12.2
W 56.8 4am

BW 166.4
BF 9.8
W 58.3 1pm after morning fasting and green tea ( one handful almonds)


day off tomorrow than goodness, I'm beat!


Sunday, April 23, 2017

Fast as hell ruck

Started off just a bit tight this morning but I quickly warmed up and was able to keep a really decent pace for the whole 12 laps

I didn't time any laps but in my mind I was thinking going for a fast overall time and I got it; one hour and fifty minutes.

If that's not the record it's close.
And that includes 11 isosquats and a 3 min conversation with my friend Jimmy and his dog Lucy, who are regulars at the park Sunday mornings
It felt like I held 7:45's for most of the laps very solid

No issues at all from yesterday's heavy ass swings!

50 lb Ruck
12 laps
11 iso squats

BW 167
BF 12.1
W 57

strange combo but I ate a lot of carbs yesterday on purpose.

thinking of giving 150 lbs a ride tomorrow in the press and see what's there. double for sure I would think and perhaps some trips

DFQ ( like Franz Bozanic in the picture above doesn't  :)  )

Saturday, April 22, 2017

52 kg One Arm Swings 10 x 5/5,20 kg snatches 4 x 10/10, hacks, weighted pushups, side laterals

This went really really well. Felt stronger than ever on these and NO grip issues with my left hand like the last time with this bell. I think it's a PR total as well too lazy to  look it up.

Bell height and power were more than expected too although I didn't feel like doing transfers were good right to left so I just didn't do them at all except for the last two sets and then only left to right. It went fine.
My head was solid too and focus on concentration were excellent for a change.

That fat handle is something else though( almost 8 inches diameter!)

One arm swings
16 kg x 5/5 x 2
20 lg x 5/5
24 kg x 5/5
28 kg x 5/5
32 kg x 5/5
36 kg x 5/5
40 kg x 5/5
48 kg x 4/4
52 kg x 5/5 x 10 sets PR

I just realized the damn warmup is 100 reps~!


these were easy and hard at the same time. easy as weight felt light and overhead felt good but hard cause I was damn tired by then!
 that's why i just did 4 sets not 5

even with just 20 kg!

4 sets of 10/10 with 20 kg

85 x 10
105 x 8
125 x 8 x 2 sets

strong but just tired now

Sandbag pushups
bw x 12
32 lbs x 12 x 3 sets

very strong

Side laterals
3 sets of 12 with 15
solid too

BW 166.2
BF 10.5 ( post bath)
W 58

ruck up tomorrow


Thursday, April 20, 2017

Good Ruck

Steady and strong today. Not much motivation but thursdays at 1 pm, when I've been up since 3:30 and it's the end of the training week is always hard. Hot today too but I wore the XOSkin shirt and even though it seemed kind of thick for the hotter weather it really absorbed the sweat and kept me cool.
not as much sweat on the pack, either
 We'll see how my summer hot weather training goes this season

45 lb Ruck
6 laps
50 min! Fast!
6th lap time 7:23

very surprised at that lap time. my total average time, including back and forth to the park 4 min each way, makes out to under 8 min average lap time and it felt it today. Felt like it would be easier to run lol.

BW 166.4
BF 11.3
W 57.8 ( I think)

off tomorrow then the 52 kg sat


Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Snatch Vo2 15 min, walking lunges, parallel pushups, rear laterals

Rare footage of me doing max v2 snatches! Glenn is out and Tracy just happened to walk in at the end.  Wow, now that's a diaphragm! No one can accuse me of not belly breathing. Not happy with the look but what can I do? Still fit in my 32 waist pants so there ya go.

Overall happy with the overhead position and my condition for this session, Not that hard at all and I found it easier to actually try to go faster than slower. Just keep the bell moving. Heartrate well over 170 at the end.

Snatch Vo2
30 sets
15 min
210 reps
7560 lbs

Walking lunges
4 sets of 40 feet

nice to be at 4 laps now as standard. that took awhile.

Parallel bar pushups
2 sets of 30
1 set of 25

these were hard. Couldn't figure it out til I realized I just did 210 snatches! that might affect things. different than 210 swings

Rear laterals
3 sets of 15 with 15's

BW 166.4
BF 103
W 58.3  at 1 pm after bath

ruckup tomorrow


Monday, April 17, 2017

Military Press 145 x 8 x 3 PR,28 kg KB squat cleans, floor pushup ( pr) ,crawls, side laterals

I was tired today but strong! Very strange. Felt like I had no gas but then, things went! Weird indeed. I started out worrying whether I was actually going to be able to do triples and had mentally accepted doubles as ok but then the first set went for three, then the next ( which is the above video, which I took early cause I didn't expect to be able to get another! Only to end up with eight!

Each set felt better.took forever to warm up but even more, it took forever for my body to truly activate as one, as a whole; with maximum tension.

Those who don't understand why we teach max tension exercises on sub max weights don't know or accept the reality of how much strength is a skill. And you can't practice that skill with max weights. won't work.

Also, my grip! Anytime I lost total crush power on the barbell the rep wasn't as good or stalled out a bit. Re gripping and re torqueing the shit out of the bar was key!

I still have to re work the timing between when I set the hands and getting under the bar, taking the air and walking out. Very different than my old technique, without the emphasis on torque.

Also, I can't LOSE that torque as I'm setting up or the first rep is MUCH harder.

So much more to learn and perfect but this weight got crushed!

First time ever in work sets with over 140.

Military Press
stick x 5 x 2
45 x  5 x 2
65 x 5
85 x 3
105 x 3 ( felt HEAVY!)
125 x 2 better
145 x 3 x 8 sets PR!

Squat cleans
20 kg x 3/3
24 kg x 3/3
28 kg x 3/3 x 3 sets

perfect weight and workload for where I am right now with this movement- in the still learning phase.
Didn't try to drop under so much this time but instead drop down as soon as I solidified the clean
worked well

Floor pushups
2 sets of 35
1 set of 40 PR!

again, tired but very very strong. kind of exterior to my body, like the old days. Weird

3 sets of 70

strong too

Side laterals
3 sets of 13 with 15

solid and could really 'feel' the medial head of the delt working specifically

BW 165.8
BF 12.7
W 56.6

body maintenance tomorrow. more rolling


Sunday Ruck

Getting lazy, it seems, about blogging on Sundays but better late than never

50 lb ruck
12 laps
11 isometric squat holds
9th lap 7:40
12th lap 7:23
1:55 min

this was a solid ruck. legs felt fine, as did back and shoulders from the heavy swings and snatches. Nice!
Lungs good too, took awhile to warmup so I didn't time earlier laps although they were just a bit slower

BW 166.2
BF 11.9
W  56.8

145 lb presses later today. First time with that as a work weight. we shall see!


Saturday, April 15, 2017

48 kg One arm swings, 10 x 6/6, 20 kg snatches 4 x 10/10, hacks, weighted pushups, rear laterals

First time back with the Beast in six weeks since the test and I could tell. The 40 kg warmup actually felt strong but as soon as I skipped to the 48 it was like " uh oh" better dig in! It warmed up well but the groove was still "thoughtful" and not automatic like it was  two months ago.
It'll be back soon

Next week is the 52 kg :)

The cycle will be
wk 1 40 kg
wk 2 44 kg
wk 3 48 kg
wk 4 52 kg

reps will be between 5/5 and 8/8, the sweet zone ;)

I think we actually will need to get a 56 kg bell :)

One arm swings
 16 kg x 5/5 x 2
20 kg x 5/5
24 kg x 5/5
28 kg x 5/5
32 kg x 5/5
36 kg x 4/4
40 kg x 5/5
48 kg x 6/6 x 10 sets
120 reps
12,720 lbs

no problem after I warmed up


decided to go lighter and see if I could still do tens. No problem . the damn bell just feels so light after the 48 :)
Overhead position is very encouraging.even the right side, cardio is solid although technique, timing, and groove need lots of reps and time in

4 x 10/10 with 20 kg
80 reps

65 x 10
85 x 8
105 x 8
125 x 6 x 2


Weighted pushups
bw x 12
32 lb x 12 x 3

very very solid and strong. much better bottom position. strength endurance good here

Rear laterals
3 sets of 12 with 20 lbs

BW 166.4
BF 10.3
W 58.3 ( bath)


long ruck tomorrow


Thursday, April 13, 2017

Strong and loose ruck

Inspired by Rob Blair and his epic Marathon DesSables this last week I had a great attitude going into this ruck. Strong strong legs are the key and I'm feeling back to my old self again. Man, this jetlag took it's time wearing off!

Cool and crisp out too, just like I like it. I can't believe Rob and George and running in 129 degree heat for the last two day, two. that's just insane on so many levels and it made my self talk very strong as it really put my little walk into perspective

45 lb Ruck
6 laps
55 min
6th lap 7:39

BW 166.4
BF 11.8
W 56.8

legs felt good and the pace was very consistent every lap. gait felt easy too

ok day off then back to Beast swings for sets of 6/6


Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Snatch Vo2 17 min, walking lunges,parallel bar pushups, side laterals

Haven't gone this long in the snatch vo2 in many years. Hard to imagine I did 80 sets of 8 in this almost ten years ago! I don't want to go that far again but I built up to it the same way I'll be building up this time 2-3 steps forwards, 1-2 steps back. Rinse and repeat

Had a hard time getting my groove right away as this speed and the lighter bell weight can let me do virtually any technique but I want to keep a decent hinge and my " ba boom" technique so as to transfer to my 24 kg snatch

Once I got past 5 minutes things settled down and my groove appeared
Overhead position was decent right from the start with NO biceps pain or impingement
Heartate was up to 160+ pretty quickly too.
Tried to double breath on this but couldn't figure it out at this pace yet.
No worries

Snatch V o2
17 min
34 sets
238 snatches
8,568 lbs

Not bad at all :)

Walking lunges
4 sets of 40 steps

yeow! feel the quad burn. shorter steps give me better knee forward translation and the lower quad and ankle dorsi flexion I want from this

Lungs ok and finally feeling NO jetlag. took long enough!

Parallel bar pushups
3 sets of 30 - strongly

 this is back

Side delts
3 sets of 12 with 15.

solid here too

BW 166.2
BF 11.4
W 57

feel lean and hard

ruck up tomorrow


Monday, April 10, 2017

Military Press 135x 8x 3,32 kg squat cleans, floor pushups, crawls,rear laterals

Ah it's good to feel strong and recovered again! Finally I've got up from this trip.
This weight felt very very controlled and strong. Body parts all together and nothing yelling at me at all.
Wearing the XOSkin shirt was nice. Tight and supportive if not a little tight in the neck for me when pressing. A slight v might be better.It was hot in the gym today and the shirt definitely helped with that. We'll see how long it can go before it starts to smell :) That's it's thing, anti microbial and thermal control. Wicks away sweat, keeps you cool or warm and doesn't smell.

Military press
stick x 5
bar x 5
65 x 5
85 x 4
105 x 3
120 x 2
135 x 3 x 8 sets
every set was strong AS LONG AS I CRUSHED THE SHIT OUT OF THE BAR. Any rep I lost the crush grip was not as strong or solid. Set the grip, then torque it all as hard as possible THEN get under the bar and hold that tightness! Making all the difference for my press
Weight felt light in my hands and shoulder ROM is good and increasing still

Squat cleans

the 32 gave me a little trouble holding it in the rack but it's a PR! Either have to separate arms or start with the left; it's definitely weaker in the shoulder there.also trying to jump under it early doesn't work as well as the bell gets out in front. Still great overall and leg work. Love to feel that stretch reflex in and out of the bottom. I knew it felt good when I saw others do it!

Squat cleans
20 kg x 5/5
24 kg x 5/5
28 kg x 3/3
32 kg x 3/3 x 2

28 kg is the top weight for practice right now

Floor pushups
3 sets of 32 reps

no problem at all on the third set

3 laps of 70 feet

Rear laterals
 3 sets of 15 with 15

also strong

BW 166
BF 11.4
W 56.8


Sunday, April 09, 2017

Loose light and strong ruck

This was very surprising! Legs felt loose, light but strong right out of the gate and stayed that way the entire time. Last week I thought I would  have to ease back into the full 12 laps one lap extra at at a time but I got all 12 today no problem and even got a timed lap in, too!

SO nice when the body cooperates

50 lb Ruck
12 laps
11 isometric squat holds
12th lap= 7:20 !!! not bad at all

Got to try out a new base layer from XOskin products and it felt great! No chafing at all, wicked the sweat away easily and kept me cool and warm at the same time if that makes any sense. It was cool this morning but I heat up so quickly and this worked perfect. Will make a great underlayer too I'm sure. Can't wait to try the compression shorts for heavy swings and rucking as well.

BW 165.2
BF 11.7
W 56.9

heavy presses and squat cleans tomorrow


44 kg One Arm Swings 10 x 6/6,24 kg snatches 5 x 5/5,hacks PR,weighted pushups, side delts

It's always surprising how fast things fall off. This weight didn't particularly feel 'heavy' per se, but my timing and rhythm were all off for at least half the sets. Then it settled down and I felt more normal but man it took awhile!

One arm swings
16 kg x 5/5 x 2
20 kg x 5/5
24 kg x 5/5
28 kg x 4/4
32 kg x 4/4
36 kg x 4/4
44 kg x 6/6 x 10 sets

24 kg snatch

was going to do swipes but this grabbed hold of me again :) My biceps tendon felt fine after wednesday's snatches so I gave it a go. think it's going to be fine

16 kg x 5/5
20 kg x 5/5 x 5

not bad at all and the 24 feels like a toy now. Overhead position is still getting better

Hack squats
65 x 10
85 x 8
105 x 6
135 x 6
155 x 6 PR


Weighted pushups
bw x 10
32 lbs x 12 x 3 sets

Side delts
1 x 15 with 15lb
2 x 8 with 20 lbs

BW 166.2
BF 10.5 (post bath)
W 58

ok back on track now


Thursday, April 06, 2017

Back to strength ruck

Strong again today. legs loose but strong. All aches and pains gone. Shoulders good after snatches too which is excellent. Bicep tendon in place

45 lb ruck
6 laps
60 min
no timed laps but 8 min per or slightly less
Tracy walked with no pack so good pace

BW 165.2
BF 11.4
BF ? forgot

ok getting back to normal


Wednesday, April 05, 2017

Snatch Vo2 15 min, walking lunges,parallel pushups, rear laterals

This was harder than expected. Not physically but energetically. I'm still tired from the trip or something. Tired isn't the right word, 'flat' is closer but I'm definitely not energetic. Strength is fine just not particularly motivated; as much as I hate to admit that.

Reaching that goal I've been chasing for three years seemed to have let some of the air out of my tires. I didn't expect this. But I can see the tide turning already, I just need to get more sets and reps back in the tank and I'll re gain momentum.

Snatch vo2
15 min
30 sets
16 kg x 7 reps
210 snatches
7560 lbs

 Not hard but awkward. Didn't feel fluid or natural at first five minutes Actually once I got past ten the groove settled in but then i got tired!

15 min is still better than last week. Overhead position felt good. We'll see how biceps tendon is tomorrow but right now it's good and not talking to me

Walking lunges
4 sets of 40 sets
finally back into 4 sets! this was easy comparably to snatches
I think the snatches really are tapping into my high end cardio weakness

parallel pushups
3 sets of 30, 30 25

started good but petered out. I thought i'd get all three sets

Rear laterals
3 sets of 15 with 15

strong here finally

BW 165.6
BF 11.2
W 57

feel thick


Monday, April 03, 2017

125 lb Military press, squat cleans,floor pushups,crawls, side laterals

This went well, AFTER the first four sets. Man it felt like I hadn't had a bar in my hands for years. Had a hard time setting my grip tight enough. When I finally did it went much better but it took a long time to get things to link up. Man when we say strength is a skill that's no joke. LOTS of moving parts to get everyone to play together. Strongly.

As well as proprioception. Remembering the 'feel' of everything working together is a key component of strength. Go away from it for awhile and it's very easy to lose 'touch' with your own body.
Just as their is good proprioception and kinesthetic awareness, so their is bad body awareness :(

Military press
stick x 5 x 2
bar x 5
65 x 4
85 x 3 ( it felt HEAVY, lol~)
85 x 2 better
105 x 3
125 x 3 x 8 sets  ( started ok then VERY strong last four sets.  easy, even

Squat cleans

SO EXCITED that these felt as good as they did. I went in thinking I would only be able to do them once every other week but I know they can now take the place of the belt squats. Plus, they include the clean so I don't need to do another workout just to get that in.

This means I can stay with barbell press every week and do the squat cleans everyweek as well. SO Much to explore and improve with this lift, including timing, but that's great! and this was also some serious lung work too! good news is that the position felt great, the squat even better and a nice stretchy bottom position helped.

I can go deeper but nice and elastic is the main thing

squat cleans
16 kg x 5/5
20 kg x 5/5
24 kg  5/5 x 3 sets

this will be a monster with a 32 kg!

Floor pushups
2 sets of 30
1 set of 25

got tired fast on this

3 sets of 70 ft

side delts
3 sets of 12 with 15's

BW 165.3
BF 11.2 %
W 57.2


Sunday ruck, easing back

Spring has sprung, the house across from mine :)

A day late on the report but it was a good ruck. I knew I had to take it easy coming back, and I was right. I had thought 1.5 hours would be about right and it was about 10 minute too much, lol.
Eight laps was good, the last one was actually tough! Shit, take ONE little down week, not even OFF, and  you lose so much condition. Ack

SO I'm glad I took it slowly

50 lbs ruck
9 laps
1.5 hours
8 iso squats

BW 164.3
BF 11.4
W 56.8

I guess not being able to really train legs for enduance for over 20 years took a toll. It'll be awhile before the conditioning really sticks


Saturday, April 01, 2017

40kg One Arm Swings, 15 lb CB swipes, 16-24 pyr snatch,bar hack squats, weighted pushups, rear laterals

Today went well, despite the crick in my neck, then my t spine, then my neck again on the other not really "clearing".Nothing scary just literally, a "pain in the neck". Oh and som QL tightness as well. Haven't felt that in ages
Brought back memories of the bad old days of constantly being tweaked, needing/wanting to work on it to clear it and not having it come all the way out.
Just irritating. Too much flexion and not enough body maintenance gets me everything. I actually was starting to think I was immune but this is a very good lesson that I am not. Indeed will never be. A very very gentle lesson too, thank you very much

Everything felt slightly foreign , even too stiff until enough sets had passed to really warm me up and re set my groove.

One arm Swings
16 kg x 5/5 x 2
20 kg  x 5/5
24 kg x 5/5
28 kg x 5/5
32 kg x 5/5
40 kg x 5/5 x 10 sets

good height, good float and virtually no cardio stress. Think I'll have to go up to 7's or 8's. I think I can still keep high power up on that many with not much more CV stress


thought this might be  a good addition haven't done these in years and they felt perfectly natural right out of the box.
Five sets of 10 with 2 15's no problem

Didn't think I'd do these but I wanted to see
16 kg x 5/5
20 kg x 5/5
24 kg x 5/5 x 3

felt good. overhead no problem

Weighted pushups parallel bars
BW x 10
32 lbs x 10 x 3 sets


Rear laterals
3 sets of 12 with 15's

BW 163.4
BF 11.9
W 56.7

Im sure my weight will rise in accordance with my loading. No worries now

medium ruck tomorrow and back on schedule the next week


Five mile ruck

 It went well but I was so close ( 9 laps = 4.7 miles it seems) that I tacked on a longer walk home to get to five slow start again 35 lb ru...