While it may not be the neurological cutting edge of pain and spasm relief my approach to reducing locked muscles and joints with the foam roller, vibration massage, pressure stretching( my version of ART) and static stretching still does quite a nice job for me.But then I have many more old injuries and scar tissue than most.
Case in point; despite knowing better in an effort to really hit my hips after a few days of not swinging I ended up 'squatting' my swings too much on Wednesday and, as is usually the case, ended up with some weird hip and leg pain. But this time on my 'good' leg, the right.
My right adductor,lower abdominal and hip flexor felt dinged and when I checked, sure enough the piroformis and other hip rotators were tight as a drum.It did give me a scare as I my back has been SO good lately and this reminded me WAY too much of the pain I got when I herniated L4 -L5 back in 2000.My lower abs locked up so hard back then that every step felt like it would tear them.Not fun.
To be honest the first thing I tried was the Z style hip, knee and ankle circle work that Andrea showed me at the cert. Granted I don't know what I am really doing with this( I have ordered the R phase and neural warmup dvds) but I got the gist of what Andrea was showing me. No go and things were locking down very tight. I am used to my left leg not cooperating but when my right side goes belly up I get scared.Every step caused my lower abs and adductors to yell at me.I knew my back was next.This had me worried.
So it was myo fascial release work with the ball, stick, foam roller and g5 massager as well as my Rifga stretch routine. A few hours later, when I got a hardy 'thunk' in my sacrum during sumo squat stretches, I knew I was on the right path to pain relief and I was right.The tight,spasmed areas released almost immediately.Did I go 'into' pain?Yes. Did the pain decrease and activate slower as I worked it? Yes. Was the affected area better almost immediately? Yes. Did the affected area stay better overnight? Yes.
And when I 'discovered' how tight my right rectus femoris and TFL were this morning during my normal foam roller assesment working that out til it didnt react made an even bigger difference in the residual stuff that I hadnt gotten yesterday.
When something"goes out' I am like a man possesed as far as getting back to full mobility and out of pain. I will work on an area for many, manyhours; as long as it takes, to 'convince' it to let go.The way I see it the muscles are holding the joint out of position and if I release the tension in the muscles it will release it's hold on the joint.Like chiropractic- in Reverse! It's been working very well so far and yesterday really showed me just how little pain I have been in lately. Yesterday was like old times- the bad old days, where nothing was in the right place and everything always hurt.
I experienced some very cool things with Z this last weekend and am looking forward to acquiring new skills with this technology. But I doubt I will ever give up my foam roller and massager.They may not be the best or the latest but they certainly serve me well and give me a sense of control over my body.
Find the spasm, kill the spasm, get the joints back to normal( or what passes for normal in my body).
I also realized that not having had trained since last wednesday made mondays and wednesdays workouts a pretty good load on ' fresh meat'.The last two workouts really put the emphasis on speed too and even though the bell is lighter the total forces are high.Just a bit sore; normal for the week after a cert. Adrenaline is depleted too. Time to drop volume and intensity and cycle back up.
Oh yeah,note to self: my swing is a pull NOT a squat, dummy. DONT forget that again.